Commit d9a9b49a authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233

update english dialogs by Gideon

parent 6231e051
......@@ -6,69 +6,63 @@
"Sorry, it seems that I have too much {0} in my deck."
"duelstart": [
"Good luck, have fun."
"It's time to duel!",
"Good luck, and have fun!"
"newturn": [
"It's my turn, draw.",
"My turn, draw.",
"I draw a card."
"It's my turn! Draw!",
"My turn. Draw!",
"I draw!"
"endturn": [
"I end my turn.",
"My turn is over.",
"Your turn."
"It's your turn."
"directattack": [
"{0}, direct attack!",
"{0}, attack him directly!",
"{0}, he's defenseless, attack!",
"{0}, attack his life points!",
"{0}, attack his life points directly!",
"{0}, attack him through a direct attack!",
"{0}, attack him using a direct attack!",
"{0}, unleash your power through a direct attack!",
"My {0} is going to smash your life points!",
"Show your power to my opponent, {0}!",
"You can't stop me. {0}, attack!"
"{0}, attack them directly!",
"You're defenseless. Attack, {0}!",
"{0}, attack their life points!",
"{0}, attack their life points directly!",
"{0}, unleash your power!",
"My {0} will decimate your life points!",
"Behold the power of my {0}!",
"You can't stop me! {0}, attack!"
"attack": [
"{0}, attack this {1}!",
"{0}, destroy this {1}!",
"{0}, charge the {1}!",
"{0}, strike that {1}!",
"{0}, unleash your power on this {1}!"
"{0}, attack their {1}!",
"{0}, destroy their {1}!",
"My {0} will annihilate your {1}!",
"Your {1} is no match for my {0}!",
"{0}, unleash your power on their {1}!"
"ondirectattack": [
"Just {0} ...",
"Think you can defeat me?"
"Just {0}...",
"You think that's enough to defeat me?",
"It's just a scratch!"
"facedownmonstername": "monster",
"activate": [
"I'm activating {0}.",
"I'm using the effect of {0}.",
"I use the power of {0}."
"I activate {0}!",
"I'll use {0}."
"summon": [
"I'm summoning {0}.",
"I summon {0}!",
"Come on, {0}!",
"Appear, {0}!",
"I summon the powerful {0}.",
"I call {0} to the battle!",
"I'm calling {0}.",
"Let's summon {0}."
"{0}, show yourself!"
"setmonster": [
"I'm setting a monster.",
"I set a face-down monster.",
"I place a hidden monster."
"I set a monster face-down.",
"Whatever could this monster be?",
"Attack this monster, I dare you!"
"chaining": [
"Look at that! I'm activating {0}.",
"I use the power of {0}.",
"Get ready! I use {0}.",
"I don't think so. {0}, activation!",
"Looks like you forgot my {0}.",
"Did you consider the fact I have {0}?"
"Not so fast! I activate {0}!",
"Before you do that, I'll chain {0}!",
"Nice try, but I have {0}!",
"Didn't expect {0}, did you?"
\ No newline at end of file
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