A C# bot for ygopro, compatible with the ygosharp server.
A C# bot for ygopro, compatible with the ygosharp and srvpro server.
### How to use:
* Code whatever you want to code in the `Program.cs` file.
* Compile `WindBot.sln` using Visual Studio or Mono.
* Put `cards.cdb` next to the compiled `WindBot.exe`.
* Run and observe.
* Run YGOPro, create a host.
* Run WindBot and observe.
### Supported commandlines
The nickname for the bot.
The deck to be used by the bot. Available decks are listed below. Keep empty to use random deck.
The dialog texts to be used by the bot. See Dialogs folder for list.
The IP of the host to be connected to.
The port of the host to be connected to.
The host info (password) to be used.
The version of YGOPro.
If you are testing deck, you may want to make sure the bot go first or second. `Hand=1` will make the bot always show Scissors, 2 for Rock, 3 for Paper.
`ServerMode` and `ServerPort`
Windbot can run as a "server", provide a http interface to create bot.
### Available decks
* Blue-Eyes
* Burn
* Dragunity
* Frog
* Horus
* MokeyMokey
* MokeyMokeyKing
* OldSchool
* Qliphort
* Rainbow
* Rank V
* ST1732
* Toadally Awesome
* Yosenju
* Zexal Weapons
* Zoodiac
### Server mode
Windbot can run as a "server", provide a http interface to create bot.