Commit 3b9984e2 authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233 Committed by GitHub

Add Mekk-Knight Crusadia Astram (#110)

parents e7b3bf05 1763b7af
......@@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
public const int NumberS39UtopiaTheLightning = 56832966;
public const int Number39Utopia = 84013237;
public const int UltimayaTzolkin = 1686814;
public const int MekkKnightCrusadiaAstram = 21887175;
public const int MoonMirrorShield = 19508728;
public const int PhantomKnightsFogBlade = 25542642;
......@@ -148,6 +149,9 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
if (!defender.IsDisabled())
if (defender.IsCode(_CardId.MekkKnightCrusadiaAstram) && defender.IsAttack() && attacker.IsSpecialSummoned)
return false;
if (defender.IsCode(_CardId.CrystalWingSynchroDragon) && defender.IsAttack() && attacker.Level >= 5)
return false;
......@@ -179,6 +183,9 @@ namespace WindBot.Game.AI
if (Enemy.HasInMonstersZone(_CardId.MekkKnightCrusadiaAstram, true) && !(defender).IsCode(_CardId.MekkKnightCrusadiaAstram))
return false;
if (Enemy.HasInMonstersZone(_CardId.DupeFrog, true) && !(defender).IsCode(_CardId.DupeFrog))
return false;
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