Commit 9258a33e authored by CookieHCl's avatar CookieHCl Committed by AUTOMATIC1111

Warn when user uses bad ui setting

parent b65a3101
......@@ -1717,7 +1717,9 @@ Requested path was: {f}
saved_value = ui_settings.get(key, None)
if saved_value is None:
ui_settings[key] = getattr(obj, field)
elif condition is None or condition(saved_value):
elif condition and not condition(saved_value):
print(f'Warning: Bad ui setting value: {key}: {saved_value}; Default value "{getattr(obj, field)}" will be used instead.')
setattr(obj, field, saved_value)
if type(x) in [gr.Slider, gr.Radio, gr.Checkbox, gr.Textbox, gr.Number] and x.visible:
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