Commit 87cd07b3 authored by Nuullll's avatar Nuullll

Fix fp64

parent 7499148a
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from modules.models.diffusion.uni_pc import uni_pc
def ddim(model, x, timesteps, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=0.0):
alphas_cumprod = model.inner_model.inner_model.alphas_cumprod
alphas = alphas_cumprod[timesteps]
alphas_prev = alphas_cumprod[torch.nn.functional.pad(timesteps[:-1], pad=(1, 0))].to(torch.float64 if x.device.type != 'mps' else torch.float32)
alphas_prev = alphas_cumprod[torch.nn.functional.pad(timesteps[:-1], pad=(1, 0))].to(torch.float64 if x.device.type != 'mps' and x.device.type != 'xpu' else torch.float32)
sqrt_one_minus_alphas = torch.sqrt(1 - alphas)
sigmas = eta * np.sqrt((1 - alphas_prev.cpu().numpy()) / (1 - alphas.cpu()) * (1 - alphas.cpu() / alphas_prev.cpu().numpy()))
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ def ddim(model, x, timesteps, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None, eta=
def plms(model, x, timesteps, extra_args=None, callback=None, disable=None):
alphas_cumprod = model.inner_model.inner_model.alphas_cumprod
alphas = alphas_cumprod[timesteps]
alphas_prev = alphas_cumprod[torch.nn.functional.pad(timesteps[:-1], pad=(1, 0))].to(torch.float64 if x.device.type != 'mps' else torch.float32)
alphas_prev = alphas_cumprod[torch.nn.functional.pad(timesteps[:-1], pad=(1, 0))].to(torch.float64 if x.device.type != 'mps' and x.device.type != 'xpu' else torch.float32)
sqrt_one_minus_alphas = torch.sqrt(1 - alphas)
extra_args = {} if extra_args is None else extra_args
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ from modules.sd_hijack_utils import CondFunc
has_ipex = False
import torch
import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex
import intel_extension_for_pytorch as ipex # noqa: F401
has_ipex = True
except Exception:
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