Commit 2f1b61d9 authored by dan's avatar dan Committed by AUTOMATIC1111

Allow nested structures inside schedules

parent 6c6ae28b
import re
from collections import namedtuple
import torch
from lark import Lark, Transformer, Visitor
import functools
import modules.shared as shared
re_prompt = re.compile(r'''
''', re.X)
# a prompt like this: "fantasy landscape with a [mountain:lake:0.25] and [an oak:a christmas tree:0.75][ in foreground::0.6][ in background:0.25] [shoddy:masterful:0.5]"
# will be represented with prompt_schedule like this (assuming steps=100):
# [25, 'fantasy landscape with a mountain and an oak in foreground shoddy']
......@@ -25,61 +16,57 @@ re_prompt = re.compile(r'''
def get_learned_conditioning_prompt_schedules(prompts, steps):
res = []
cache = {}
for prompt in prompts:
prompt_schedule: list[list[str | int]] = [[steps, ""]]
cached = cache.get(prompt, None)
if cached is not None:
for m in re_prompt.finditer(prompt):
plaintext = if is None else
concept_from =
concept_to =
if concept_to is None:
concept_to = concept_from
concept_from = ""
swap_position = float( if is not None else None
if swap_position is not None:
if swap_position < 1:
swap_position = swap_position * steps
swap_position = int(min(swap_position, steps))
swap_index = None
found_exact_index = False
for i in range(len(prompt_schedule)):
end_step = prompt_schedule[i][0]
prompt_schedule[i][1] += plaintext
if swap_position is not None and swap_index is None:
if swap_position == end_step:
swap_index = i
found_exact_index = True
if swap_position < end_step:
swap_index = i
if swap_index is not None:
if not found_exact_index:
prompt_schedule.insert(swap_index, [swap_position, prompt_schedule[swap_index][1]])
for i in range(len(prompt_schedule)):
end_step = prompt_schedule[i][0]
must_replace = swap_position < end_step
prompt_schedule[i][1] += concept_to if must_replace else concept_from
cache[prompt] = prompt_schedule
#for t in prompt_schedule:
# print(t)
return res
grammar = r"""
start: prompt
prompt: (emphasized | scheduled | weighted | plain)*
!emphasized: "(" prompt ")"
| "(" prompt ":" prompt ")"
| "[" prompt "]"
scheduled: "[" (prompt ":")? prompt ":" NUMBER "]"
!weighted: "{" weighted_item ("|" weighted_item)* "}"
!weighted_item: prompt (":" prompt)?
plain: /([^\\\[\](){}:|]|\\.)+/
%import common.SIGNED_NUMBER -> NUMBER
parser = Lark(grammar, parser='lalr')
def collect_steps(steps, tree):
l = [steps]
class CollectSteps(Visitor):
def scheduled(self, tree):
tree.children[-1] = float(tree.children[-1])
if tree.children[-1] < 1:
tree.children[-1] *= steps
tree.children[-1] = min(steps, int(tree.children[-1]))
return sorted(set(l))
def at_step(step, tree):
class AtStep(Transformer):
def scheduled(self, args):
if len(args) == 2:
before, after, when = (), *args
before, after, when = args
yield before if step <= when else after
def start(self, args):
def flatten(x):
if type(x) == str:
yield x
for gen in x:
yield from flatten(gen)
return ''.join(flatten(args[0]))
def plain(self, args):
yield args[0].value
def __default__(self, data, children, meta):
for child in children:
yield from child
return AtStep().transform(tree)
def get_schedule(prompt):
tree = parser.parse(prompt)
return [[t, at_step(t, tree)] for t in collect_steps(steps, tree)]
return [get_schedule(prompt) for prompt in prompts]
ScheduledPromptConditioning = namedtuple("ScheduledPromptConditioning", ["end_at_step", "cond"])
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