Commit ea9d5028 authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma

log 0709

parent 091821bb
if(!defined('IN_GAME')) {
exit('Access Denied');
//processing all fireseed related functions.
//fireseedprocess will be called constantly if a club22 player discover()s.
//fireseedrecruit will be called on corpse page of fireseed, populate the PlayerID into clbstatusc and "1" into clbstatusd
//fireseedenhance will be called from command, cost player items to add to Fireseed NPC's clbstatusd
//Other needed functions:
//sumintensity - calculate the total intensity of a given player by adding up each of Fireseed NPC's clbstatusd with the PlayerID clbstatusc
//repairfireseed - utility that reset a Fireseed NPC's equipment and HP.
//spawnfireseed - utility that spawns a Fireseed NPC at a given location pls.
function fireseedprocess($intensity){
# $intensity = SUM of rates of fireseed NPCs under a certain club22 player's team.
# For now, storing the owner ID of a fireseed NPC in its clbstatusc field.
# RATES = clbstatusd of Fireseed NPCs (NPC Type 92) defaults to 0, becomes 1 when recruited and will increase when player enhance them.
global $log,$now,$plsinfo,$db,$tablepre;
//process Fireseed auto obtain items
# Item obtain rate = ($intensity / 20 ) %, caps at 100%
//process Fireseed auto drain NPC HP
# NPC HP drain rate = $intensity, HP caps at 1
function fireseedrecruit($playerID, $fireseedID){
global $log, $db, $tablepre;
//process fireseed branding and init
#Get Fireseed NPC to Brand
$getBrandingFireseed = "SELECT FROM {$tablepre}players WHERE type = 92 AND pid = $fireseedID";
$brandingFireseed = $db->query($getBrandingFireseed);
#Brand the Fireseed NPC
$brandingFireseed['clbstatusc'] = $playerID;
#Init rate
$brandingFireseed['clbstatusd'] = 1;
#Monster Reborn that Fireseed NPC
$brandingFireseed['hp'] = $brandingFireseed['mhp'];
function fireseedenhance($rate, $fireseedID){
global $log, $db, $tablepre;
//process fireseed rateup
#Get Fireseed to rateup
$getRateupFireseed = "SELECT FROM {$tablepre}players WHERE type = 92 AND pid = $fireseedID";
$rateupFireseed = $db->query($getRateupFireseed);
#Rate up
$rateupFireseed['clbstatusd'] += $rate;
#Enhacing Fireseed
for ($i = 1; $i<=$rate; $i++){
$rateupFireseed['mhp'] *= 1 + $rate / 10;
$rateupFireseed['msp'] *= 1 + $rate / 10;
$rateupFireseed['att'] += 1 + $rate * 10;
#Repair that Fireseed
$log .= "FIRESEED $fireseedID RATEUP SUCCESSFUL.<br>";
function sumintensity($playerID){
global $log, $db, $tablepre;
//process intensity SUM
#Get all Intensity
$checkGivenPlayerIntensity = "SELECT * FROM {$tablepre}players WHERE type = 92 AND clbstatusc = $playerID";
$givenPlayerIntensity = $db->query($checkGivenPlayerIntensity);
$idata = $db->fetch_array($givenPlayerIntensity);
#Sum Intensity
$sum = 0;
while ($idata){
$sum += $idata['clbstatusd'];
$log .= " <span class=\"yellow\">$sum</span> INTENSITY<br>";
#Return Intensity Value
return $sum;
function repairfireseed($fireseedID){
global $log, $db, $tablepre;
//process repairing fireseed NPC
#Get Fireseed NPC to repair
$checkGivenRepairableFireseed = "SELECT FROM {$tablepre}players WHERE type = 92 AND pid = $fireseedID";
$repairFireSeed = $db->query($checkGivenRepairableFireseed);
#Repair Fireseed
$repairFireSeed['hp'] = $repairFireSeed['mhp'];
$repairFireSeed['sp'] = $checkGivenRepairableFireseed['msp'];
$repairFireseed['arb'] = $repairFireseed['arh'] = $repairFireseed['ara'] = $repairFireseed['arf'] = $repairFireseed['art'] = "✦修复数据";
$repairFireseed['arbs'] = $repairFireseed['arhs'] = $repairFireseed['aras'] = $repairFireseed['arfs'] = $repairFireseed['arts'] = 1;
$repairFireseed['arbsk'] = "a";
$repairFireseed['arhsk'] = "B";
$repairFireseed['arask'] = "b";
$repairFireseed['arfsk'] = "M";
$repairFireseed['artsk'] = "H";
$log .= "FIRESEED $fireseedID REPAIR SUCCESSFUL.<br>";
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -558,6 +558,8 @@ function discover($schmode = 0,&$data=NULL)
goto battle_flag;
include_once GAME_ROOT. './include/game/fireseedevent.func.php';//club22 eventing
// 计算陷阱“发现率”
if($trap_dice < $trap_max_obbs)
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