Commit 245b233d authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma


Fixed a faulty logic on 恋歌
Fixed a display problem regarding 乱击
Fixed the oversight that double itms with club 5 not implemented.
parent 1a44f593
......@@ -1758,7 +1758,7 @@ $cskills = Array
'desc' => "空手时可发动,消耗<span class=\"yellow\">[:ragecost:]</span>点怒气;<br>
本次攻击附加<span class=\"yellow\">[:ragecost:]%</span>殴熟的物理伤害;<br>
且「快拳」的发动率<span class=\"yellow\">+[:rapidr:]</span>%<br>",
'bdesc' => "消耗<span class=\"red\">[:ragecost:]%</span>点怒气,附加等于<span class=\"yellow\">[:phydmgr:]%</span>殴熟的物理伤害;本次攻击「快拳」的触发率<span class=\"yellow\">+[:rapidr:]</span>%",
'bdesc' => "消耗<span class=\"red\">[:ragecost:]</span>点怒气,附加等于<span class=\"yellow\">[:phydmgr:]%</span>殴熟的物理伤害;本次攻击「快拳」的触发率<span class=\"yellow\">+[:rapidr:]</span>%",
'vars' => Array(
'ragecost' => Array(30,40,45),
'phydmgr' => Array(25,33,50),
......@@ -402,6 +402,9 @@ function itemmix_events(&$data=NULL)
# 全能兄贵在合成补给品时,获得数量x2
if((strpos($itmk0,'H') === 0)&&($club == 16)&&($itms0 !== $nosta)){ $itms0 = ceil($itms0*2); }
# 拆弹专家合成爆炸物耐久*2
if(($itmk0 == 'WD' || $itmk0 == 'WDG') && ($club == 5)){ $itms0 = ceil($itms0*2); }
# 锡安合成电子仪器时,耐久x2
if(($itmk0 == 'EE' || $itmk0 == 'ER') && ($club == 7)){ $itme0 *= 5; }
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
//$result = $db->query("select * from {$tablepre}players where pls='$pls' and hp>0 and type=0");
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