Commit bc2f1de4 authored by Clara Grace Paulsen's avatar Clara Grace Paulsen


Fix Xyz & Dark Synchro Monster Level alignments
Add Conjoint card functionality
parent 72f86665
......@@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ card dpi: 178.0156
############################################################## Extra scripts
init script:
is_link := {card.card_type == "link monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" or styling.is_link_card}
is_spatial := {card.card_type == "origin spatial monster" or card.card_type == "altered spatial monster"}
is_monster := {card.card_type == "normal monster" or card.card_type == "effect monster" or card.card_type == "ritual monster" or card.card_type == "synchro monster" or card.card_type == "dark synchro monster" or card.card_type == "xyz monster" or card.card_type == "link monster" or card.card_type == "dlc monster" or card.card_type == "fusion monster" or card.card_type == "token monster" or card.card_type == "obelisk card" or card.card_type == "slifer card" or card.card_type == "ra card" or is_spatial()}
is_spatial := {card.card_type == "origin spatial monster" or card.card_type == "altered spatial monster"}
is_conjoint := {contains(card.pendulum, match: "conjoint") and not contains(card.card_type, match: "conjoint")}
############################################################## Extra style
styling field:
type: info
......@@ -306,13 +307,6 @@ card style:
trell card : card-trell.png
conjoint spell card: { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/spellcex.png" else "card-spell-conjoint.png" }
conjoint trap card: { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/trapcex.png" else "card-trap-conjoint.png" }
normal conjoint monster : card-normal-conjoint.png
link conjoint monster : card-link-conjoint.png
effect conjoint monster : card-effect-conjoint.png
ritual conjoint monster : card-ritual-conjoint.png
synchro conjoint monster : card-synchro-conjoint.png
fusion conjoint monster : card-fusion-conjoint.png
xyz conjoint monster : card-xyz-conjoint.png
evolute monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/evoluteex.png" else "card-evolute-new.png" }
evolute conjoint monster : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "fullart/evolutecex.png" else "card-evolute-conjoint.png" }
enhance monster : Enhance_s10.png
......@@ -321,6 +315,7 @@ card style:
skill card : { if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "new/fullart/skillex.png" else "new/skill.png"}
origin spatial monster : new/card-spatial.png
altered spatial monster : new/card-spatial.png
conjoint trell card : {masked_blend(dark: "card-spell-conjoint.png", light: "card-trap-conjoint.png", mask: "mask-half-v.png")}
left: 0
top: 0
......@@ -494,13 +489,36 @@ card style:
trap: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "utrap.png" else if styling.language=="japanese" then "jpball/trap.png" else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links traditional" or styling.language=="chinese duel links simplified" then "cnball/trap.png" else "trap.png"}
trell: {if card.rarity=="ultimate rare" then "utrell.png" else "trell.png"}
left: 28
top: 568
width: 23
height: 23
z index: 2
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
1: stage/1.png
2: stage/2.png
3: stage/3.png
4: stage/4.png
5: stage/5.png
6: stage/6.png
7: stage/7.png
8: stage/8.png
9: stage/9.png
10: stage/10.png
11: stage/11.png
12: stage/12.png
visible: {if is_conjoint() then true else false }
left: { if is_nmonster() then 42 else 43 }
top : { if is_nmonster() or card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then 74 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 73 else 76}
top : { if is_nmonster() then 74 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 73 else 76}
#width: { if is_nmonster() then 327 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 0 else 334 }
width: { if is_nmonster() then 338 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type == "link conjoint monster" then 0 else 334 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 28 else 28 }
alignment: {if card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type == "xyz conjoint monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="xyz monster" or is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then "middle left shrink-overflow" else if card.card_type=="evolute monster" or card.card_type=="evolute conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "conjoint spell card" or card.card_type == "conjoint trap card" or is_spatial() then "middle center shrink-overflow" else "middle right shrink-overflow" }
width: { if is_nmonster() then 338 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type == "link monster" and is_conjoint() then 0 else 334 }
height: 28
alignment: {if card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or (is_pendulum() and (card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster")) then "middle left shrink-overflow" else if card.card_type=="evolute monster" or card.card_type=="evolute conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "conjoint spell card" or card.card_type == "conjoint trap card" or card.card_type == "conjoint trell card" or is_spatial() then "middle center shrink-overflow" else "middle right shrink-overflow" }
z index: 2
......@@ -1015,7 +1033,7 @@ extra card style:
else if card.card_type=="spell card" then "pendulum/line-spell.png"
else if card.card_type=="trap card" then "pendulum/line-trap.png"
else "blank2.png"
visible: script: if card.pendulum != "none" and card.pendulum != "relay" then true else false
visible: script: if is_pendulum() then true else false
pendulum border:
left: -3
top: 0
......@@ -1026,9 +1044,20 @@ extra card style:
choice images:
if card.pendulum == "pendulum pandemonium" and styling.pendulum_size == "more" then masked_blend(dark: "pendulum/pendulum_lg.png", light: "pendulum/pandemonium_lg.png", mask: "mask-half-h.png")
if contains(card.pendulum, match: "pendulum pandemonium") and styling.pendulum_size == "less" and is_conjoint() then masked_blend(dark: "pendulum/pendulum_csm.png", light: "pendulum/pandemonium_csm.png", mask: "mask-half-h.png")
else if contains(card.pendulum, match: "pendulum pandemonium") and is_conjoint() then masked_blend(dark: "pendulum/pendulum_cmd.png", light: "pendulum/pandemonium_cmd.png", mask: "mask-half-h.png")
else if contains(card.pendulum, match: "pendulum") and is_conjoint() and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "pendulum/pendulum_clg.png"
else if contains(card.pendulum, match: "pandemonium") and is_conjoint() and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "pendulum/pandemonium_clg.png"
else if contains(card.pendulum, match: "pandemonium") and is_conjoint() and styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "pendulum/pandemonium_csm.png"
else if contains(card.pendulum, match: "pendulum") and is_conjoint() then "pendulum/pendulum_cmd.png"
else if contains(card.pendulum, match: "pendulum") and is_conjoint() and styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "pendulum/pendulum_csm.png"
else if contains(card.pendulum, match: "relay") and is_conjoint() then "pendulum/card-conjoint-relay.png"
else if contains(card.pendulum, match: "pandemonium") and is_conjoint() then "pendulum/pandemonium_cmd.png"
else if contains(card.pendulum, match: "pendulum") and is_conjoint() then "pendulum/pendulum_cmd.png"
else if card.pendulum == "pendulum pandemonium" and styling.pendulum_size == "more" then masked_blend(dark: "pendulum/pendulum_lg.png", light: "pendulum/pandemonium_lg.png", mask: "mask-half-h.png")
else if card.pendulum == "pendulum pandemonium" and styling.pendulum_size == "less" then masked_blend(dark: "pendulum/pendulum_sm.png", light: "pendulum/pandemonium_sm.png", mask: "mask-half-h.png")
else if card.pendulum == "pendulum pandemonium" then masked_blend(dark: "pendulum/pendulum_md.png", light: "pendulum/pandemonium_md.png", mask: "mask-half-h.png")
else if card.pendulum == "pendulum pandemonium" and styling.pendulum_size == "more" and is_conjoint() then masked_blend(dark: "pendulum/pendulum_clg.png", light: "pendulum/pandemonium_clg.png", mask: "mask-half-h.png")
else if card.pendulum == "pendulum" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "pendulum/pendulum_lg.png"
else if card.pendulum == "pandemonium" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "pendulum/pandemonium_lg.png"
else if card.pendulum == "pandemonium" and styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "pendulum/pandemonium_sm.png"
......@@ -1036,5 +1065,6 @@ extra card style:
else if card.pendulum == "pendulum" and styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "pendulum/pendulum_sm.png"
else if card.pendulum == "relay" then "pendulum/card-relay.png"
else if card.pendulum == "pandemonium" then "pendulum/pandemonium_md.png"
else "pendulum/pendulum_md.png"
else if card.pendulum == "pendulum" then "pendulum/pendulum_md.png"
else if is_conjoint() and not contains(card.card_type, match: "spell card") and not contains(card.card_type, match: "trap card") then "pendulum/card-conjoint.png"
visible: {if card.pendulum != "none" then true else false}
......@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ card field:
choice: altered spatial monster
choice: spell card
choice: trap card
choice: conjoint spell card
choice: conjoint trap card
choice: trell card
choice: skill card
default: card_type()
......@@ -82,6 +84,11 @@ card field:
choice: pandemonium
choice: relay
choice: pendulum pandemonium
choice: conjoint
choice: conjoint pendulum
choice: conjoint pandemonium
choice: conjoint relay
choice: conjoint pendulum pandemonium
############################# Link Marker Border
card field:
......@@ -161,6 +161,14 @@
card.card_type == "pendulum synchro monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum dark synchro monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum xyz monster" or
card.card_type == "pandemonium monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum normal monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum effect monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum fusion monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum ritual monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum synchro monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum dark synchro monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum xyz monster" or
card.card_type == "dlc monster" or
card.card_type == "fusion monster" or
card.card_type == "token monster" or
......@@ -169,18 +177,10 @@
card.card_type == "ra card"
is_pendulum := {
card.card_type == "pendulum normal monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum effect monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum fusion monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum ritual monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum synchro monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum dark synchro monster" or
card.card_type == "pendulum xyz monster" or
card.pendulum == "pendulum" or
card.pendulum == "pendulum pandemonium" or
card.pendulum == "pandemonium"
contains(card.pendulum, match: "pendulum") or
contains(card.pendulum, match: "pandemonium")
is_pandemonium := { card.pendulum == "pandemonium" }
is_pandemonium := { contains(card.pendulum, match: "pandemonium") }
is_normal_monster_extended := {
card.card_type == "normal monster"
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