is_conjoint := {contains(card.pendulum, match: "conjoint") and not contains(card.card_type, match: "conjoint")}
overleveled := {if contains(card.level, match: "*") then (number_of_items(in: replace(replace(card.level, match:"<sym-auto>", replace:""), match:"</sym-auto>", replace:"")) > 13) else (card.level != "" and card.level != "1" and card.level != "2" and card.level != "3" and card.level != "4" and card.level != "5" and card.level != "6" and card.level != "7" and card.level != "8" and card.level != "9" and card.level != "10" and card.level != "11" and card.level != "12" and card.level != "13")}
overleveled := {if contains(card.level, match: "*") then (number_of_items(in: replace(replace(card.level, match:"<sym-auto>", replace:""), match:"</sym-auto>", replace:"")) > 13) else (card.level != "" and not contains(card.level, match: "1") and not contains(card.level, match: "2") and not contains(card.level, match: "3") and not contains(card.level, match: "4") and not contains(card.level, match: "5") and not contains(card.level, match: "6") and not contains(card.level, match: "7") and not contains(card.level, match: "8") and not contains(card.level, match: "9") and not contains(card.level, match: "0") or to_number(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(card.level, match:"<sym-auto>", replace:""), match:"</sym-auto>", replace:""), match:"<sym>", replace:""), match:"</sym>", replace:""), match:" ", replace:"")) > 13)}
############################################################## Extra style
styling field:
type: info
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ extra card style:
else if card.card_type == "timeleap monster" then "levels/rdfuture-"+number_of_items(in: replace(replace(card.level, match:"<sym-auto>", replace:""), match:"</sym-auto>", replace:""))+".png"