Commit 6073152a authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent f5ae12d0
......@@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ CLIENT_reconnect_register = (client, room_id, error) ->
room = ROOM_all[room_id]
if client.had_new_reconnection
return false
if !settings.modules.reconnect.enabled or !room or client.system_kicked or client.flee_free or disconnect_list[CLIENT_get_authorize_key(client)] or client.is_post_watcher or !CLIENT_is_player(client, room) or !room.started or room.windbot or (settings.modules.reconnect.auto_surrender_after_disconnect and room.hostinfo.mode != 1) or (room.random_type and room.get_disconnected_count() > 0)
if !settings.modules.reconnect.enabled or !room or client.system_kicked or client.flee_free or disconnect_list[CLIENT_get_authorize_key(client)] or client.is_post_watcher or !CLIENT_is_player(client, room) or !room.started or room.windbot or (settings.modules.reconnect.auto_surrender_after_disconnect and room.hostinfo.mode != 1) or (room.random_type and room.get_disconnected_count() > 1)
return false
# for player in room.players
# if player != client and CLIENT_get_authorize_key(player) == CLIENT_get_authorize_key(client)
......@@ -1069,7 +1069,7 @@ class Room
@finished = true
if !@finished_by_death
@scores[] = -9
if @random_type and not client.flee_free and (!settings.modules.reconnect.enabled or @get_disconnected_count() == 0)
if @random_type and not client.flee_free and (!settings.modules.reconnect.enabled or @get_disconnected_count() <= 1)
ROOM_ban_player(, client.ip, "${random_ban_reason_flee}")
if @players.length and !(@windbot and client.is_host) and !(@arena and !@started and client.pos <= 3)
ygopro.stoc_send_chat_to_room this, "#{} ${left_game}" + if error then ": #{error}" else ''
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