<buttonclass="btn btn-default"id="kick_button"data-toggle="tooltip"title="Terminate a room. Input the room ID for a specific room, or 'all' for all rooms.">Terminate</button>
<buttonclass="btn btn-default"id="death_button"data-toggle="tooltip"title="Start Extra Duel. Input the room ID for a specific room, or leave blank for all rooms.">Extra Duel</button>
<buttonclass="btn btn-default"id="deathcancel_button"data-toggle="tooltip"title="Cancel Extra Duel. Input the room ID for a specific room, or leave blank for all rooms.">Cancel Extra Duel</button>
<buttonclass="btn btn-default"id="reboot_button"data-toggle="tooltip"title="Terminate all rooms and reboot the server.">Reboot Server</button>