Commit 3547c9ab authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent c7e68ffa
......@@ -117,12 +117,9 @@ class YGOProMessagesHelper {
return parseInt(translatedProto);
sendMessage(socket, protostr, info) {
prepareMessage(protostr, info) {
const { direction, proto } = this.getDirectionAndProto(protostr);
let buffer;
if (!socket.remoteAddress) {
//console.log(proto, this.proto_structs[direction][proto]);
//const directionProtoList = this.constants[direction];
if (typeof info === 'undefined') {
......@@ -139,13 +136,27 @@ class YGOProMessagesHelper {
const translatedProto = this.translateProto(proto, direction);
let sendBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(3 + (buffer ? buffer.length : 0));
sendBuffer.writeUInt16LE(buffer.length + 1, 0);
sendBuffer.writeUInt8(translatedProto, 2);
if (buffer) {
sendBuffer.writeUInt16LE(buffer.length + 1, 0);
sendBuffer.writeUInt8(translatedProto, 2);
buffer.copy(sendBuffer, 3);
else {
sendBuffer.writeUInt16LE(1, 0);
sendBuffer.writeUInt8(translatedProto, 2);
return buffer;
sendMessage(socket, protostr, info) {
const sendBuffer = this.prepareMessage(protostr, info);
sendMessageAsync(socket, protostr, info) {
const sendBuffer = this.prepareMessage(protostr, info);
return new Promise(done => {
socket.write(sendBuffer, done);
addHandler(protostr, handler, synchronous, priority) {
if (priority < 0 || priority > 4) {
throw "Invalid priority: " + priority;
......@@ -147,15 +147,12 @@ export class YGOProMessagesHelper {
return parseInt(translatedProto);
sendMessage(socket: net.Socket, protostr: string, info: string | Buffer | any) {
prepareMessage(protostr: string, info?: string | Buffer | any): Buffer {
const {
} = this.getDirectionAndProto(protostr);
let buffer: Buffer;
if (!socket.remoteAddress) {
//console.log(proto, this.proto_structs[direction][proto]);
//const directionProtoList = this.constants[direction];
if (typeof info === 'undefined') {
......@@ -170,14 +167,29 @@ export class YGOProMessagesHelper {
const translatedProto = this.translateProto(proto, direction);
let sendBuffer = Buffer.allocUnsafe(3 + (buffer ? buffer.length : 0));
sendBuffer.writeUInt16LE(buffer.length + 1, 0);
sendBuffer.writeUInt8(translatedProto, 2);
if (buffer) {
buffer.copy(sendBuffer, 3)
sendBuffer.writeUInt16LE(buffer.length + 1, 0);
sendBuffer.writeUInt8(translatedProto, 2);
buffer.copy(sendBuffer, 3);
} else {
sendBuffer.writeUInt16LE(1, 0);
sendBuffer.writeUInt8(translatedProto, 2);
return buffer;
sendMessage(socket: net.Socket, protostr: string, info?: string | Buffer | any) {
const sendBuffer = this.prepareMessage(protostr, info);
sendMessageAsync(socket: net.Socket, protostr: string, info?: string | Buffer | any): Promise<Error> {
const sendBuffer = this.prepareMessage(protostr, info);
return new Promise(done => {
socket.write(sendBuffer, done);
addHandler(protostr: string, handler: (buffer: Buffer, info: any, datas: Buffer[], params: any) => Promise<boolean>, synchronous: boolean, priority: number) {
if (priority < 0 || priority > 4) {
throw "Invalid priority: " + priority;
......@@ -196,7 +208,7 @@ export class YGOProMessagesHelper {
async handleBuffer(messageBuffer: Buffer, direction: string, protoFilter: string[], params: any): Promise<HandleResult> {
async handleBuffer(messageBuffer: Buffer, direction: string, protoFilter?: string[], params?: any): Promise<HandleResult> {
let feedback: Feedback = null;
let messageLength = 0;
let bufferProto = 0;
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