Commit 2da3109b authored by Tang Xinwei's avatar Tang Xinwei Committed by GitHub

English translation added

parent be6cabb6
......@@ -7,6 +7,81 @@
"random_banned_part1": "You had been banned to use random duel because ",
"random_banned_part2": ". The ban will last until ",
"random_banned_part3": "."
"random_warn_part1": "The system detects that recently you had",
"random_warn_part2": ", you will be penalized after 3 offences",
"windbot_deck_not_found": "Oops, AI or Deck not found",
"windbot_name_too_long": "Error occurred, please create a new game and enter /ai to summon an AI.",
"duel_room_new_failed": "Failed to create a new game, please try again later.",
"add_windbot_failed": "Failed to add an AI, you may want to enter /ai again.",
"quit_spectate": "left as spectator",
"flee": "fled",
"leave_game": "left the game",
"server_closed": "the game was ended by the server",
"server_error": "server error:",
"cloud_replay_no": "replay not found",
"cloud_replay_error": "replay error",
"cloud_replay_playing": "Accessing cloud replay",
"cloud_replay_hint": "These were the replay codes of the saved replays, please enter the replay code at the password column to access it.",
"blank_room_name": "Game name should not be blank, please fill in something.",
"loading_user_info": "Loading user info...",
"invalid_password_length": "Password invalid (Invalid Length)",
"invalid_password_payload": "Password invalid (Invalid Payload Length)",
"invalid_password_unauthorized": "Password invalid (Unauthorized)",
"invalid_password_existed": "Password invalid (Already Existed)",
"invalid_password_not_found": "Password invalid (Not Found)",
"invalid_password_action": "Password invalid (Invalid Action)",
"server_full": "The server is full, please try again later.",
"invalid_password_checksum": "Password incorrect (Checksum Failed)",
"enter_correct_user": "Please enter the correct ID",
"client_overload": "Too many clients running at the moment! ",
"banned_ip_login": "You have been banned.",
"banned_user_login": "You have been banned."
"bad_name_level3": "Your ID contains illegal characters.",
"bad_name_level2": "Your ID contains illegal characters.",
"bad_name_level1": "Your ID contains inappropriate langauge.",
"invalid_password_room": "Password incorrect",
"outdated_client": "You are currently using an outdated client, unknown errors may occur, please update.",
"spectate_join": "joined as spectator.",
"spectate_present": "is spectating.",
"spectate_denied": "The duel had begun, spectation is not allowed",
"rank_arena": "Your ranking is",
"rank_blank": "You are not ranked",
"exp_value_part1": "You have",
"exp_value_part2": "exp",
"exp_value_part3": ",your power level is",
"exp_value_part4": ". These points may be reset after officla launch.",
"lp_low_level1": "お前のライフはもうまるで风前の灯火!",
"lp_low_level2": "*Low LP Alert*",
"zombie_player": "Zombin'",
"kicked_by_player": "removed from the game",
"kicked_by_system_count_down": "seconds before being removed if the game has not start.",
"chat_order_main": "YGOSrv233 function list",
"chat_order_help": "/help show this list",
"chat_order_roomname": "/roomname show room name",
"chat_order_windbot": "/ai to add an AI,/ai name to add selected AI ",
"chat_order_tip": "/tip show a tip",
"room_name": "The name of the room is ",
"banned_chat_level1": "You are being banned from chatting.",
"banned_chat_level2": "You are being banned from the matching system for sending inappropriate messages.",
"chat_warn_level1": "WARNING: This message is inappropriate.",
"chat_warn_level2": "WARNING: Your conversation is inappropriate!",
"chat_warn_level3": "WARNING: Please stop sending inappropriate messages.",
"chat_warn_level4": "WARNING: Please use civilised language.",
"banned_chat_level3": "banned from chat",
"chat_bad": "Your chats have violated the rules.",
"deck_correct_part1": "Your deck",
"deck_correct_part2": "has passed the deck check for this tournament.",
"deck_incorrect_part1": "The deck you are using is not the same as your submitted deck",
"deck_incorrect_part2": ". Please make sure all the cards are in the correct sequence.",
"no_sign_up": ", we did not receive your registration,please make sure you are using the correct ID for the tournament.",
"cloud_replay_delay_part1": "The replay code for this duel is ",
"cloud_replay_delay_part2": ". It can be accessed after this match.",
"no_action": "no action detected",
"no_action_kick": "removed by the system",
"no action_warn_part1": "No action detected, you will be removed in ",
"no action_warn_part2": " seconds",
"incorrect_password": "incorrect password",
"file_not_found": "file not found "
"zh-cn": {
"kicked_by_system": " 被系统请出了房间",
......@@ -16,5 +91,80 @@
"random_banned_part1": "因为您近期在游戏中多次",
"random_banned_part2": ",您已被禁止使用随机对战功能,将在",
"random_banned_part3": "后解封"
"random_warn_part1": "系统检测到您近期在游戏中",
"random_warn_part2": ",若您违规超过3次,将受到惩罚",
"windbot_deck_not_found": "未找到该AI角色或卡组",
"windbot_name_too_long": "AI房间名过长,请在建立房间后输入 /ai 来添加AI",
"duel_room_new_failed": "建立房间失败,请重试",
"add_windbot_failed": "添加AI失败,可尝试输入 /ai 重新添加",
"quit_watch": "退出了观战",
"flee": "强退",
"left_game": "离开了游戏",
"server_closed": "服务器关闭了连接",
"server_error": "服务器错误:",
"cloud_replay_no": "没有找到录像",
"cloud_replay_error": "播放录像出错",
"cloud_replay_playing": "正在观看云录像",
"cloud_replay_hint": "以下是您近期的云录像,密码处输入 R#录像编号 即可观看",
"blank_room_name": "房间名不能为空,请在主机密码处填写房间名",
"loading_user_info": "正在读取用户信息",
"invalid_password_length": "主机密码不正确 (Invalid Length)",
"invalid_password_payload": "主机密码不正确 (Invalid Payload Length)",
"invalid_password_unauthorized": "主机密码不正确 (Unauthorized)",
"invalid_password_existed": "主机密码不正确 (Already Existed)",
"invalid_password_not_found": "主机密码不正确 (Not Found)",
"invalid_password_action": "主机密码不正确 (Invalid Action)",
"server_full": "服务器已经爆满,请稍候再试",
"invalid_password_checksum": "主机密码不正确 (Checksum Failed)",
"enter_correct_user": "请输入正确的用户名",
"client_overload": "同时开启的客户端数量过多 ",
"banned_ip_login": "您的账号已被封禁",
"banned_user_login": "您的账号已被封禁"
"bad_name_level3": "您的用户名存在不适当的内容",
"bad_name_level2": "您的用户名存在不适当的内容",
"bad_name_level1": "您的用户名存在不适当的内容,请注意更改",
"invalid_password_room": "房间密码不正确",
"outdated_client": "您的版本号过低,可能出现未知问题,电脑用户请升级版本,YGOMobile用户请等待作者更新",
"watch_join": "加入了观战",
"watch_present": "观战中",
"watch_denied": "决斗已开始,不允许观战",
"rank_arena": "排名第",
"rank_blank": "暂无排名",
"exp_value_part1": "你有",
"exp_value_part2": "点经验",
"exp_value_part3": ",你的战斗力是",
"exp_value_part4": "。正式上线前这些积分可能诶重置",
"lp_low_level1": "你的生命已经如风中残烛了!",
"lp_low_level2": "背水一战!",
"zombie_player": "挂房间",
"kicked_by_player": "被请出了房间",
"kicked_by_system_count_down": "秒后房主若不开始游戏将被请出房",
"chat_order_main": "YGOSrv233 指令帮助",
"chat_order_help": "/help 显示这个帮助信息",
"chat_order_roomname": "/roomname 显示当前房间的名字",
"chat_order_windbot": "/ai 添加一个AI,/ai 角色名 可指定添加的角色",
"chat_order_tip": "/tip 显示一条提示",
"room_name": "您当前的房间名是 ",
"banned_chat_level1": "您已被禁言!",
"banned_chat_level2": "您的发言存在严重不适当的内容,禁止您使用随机对战功能!",
"chat_warn_level1" : "发言违规",
"chat_warn_level2": "您的发言存在不适当的内容,发送失败!",
"chat_warn_level3": "请不要发送垃圾信息!",
"chat_warn_level4": "请使用文明用语!",
"banned_chat_level3": "已被禁言!",
"chat_bad": "发言违规",
"deck_correct_part1": "成功使用卡组",
"deck_correct_part2": "参加比赛。",
"deck_incorrect_part1": "您的卡组与报名卡组",
"deck_incorrect_part2": "不符。注意卡组不能有包括卡片顺序在内的任何修改。",
"no_sign_up": ",没有找到您的报名信息,请确定您使用昵称与报名ID一致。",
"cloud_replay_delay_part1": "本场比赛云录像:",
"cloud_replay_delay_part2": "。将于本局结束后可播放。",
"no_action": "挂机",
"no_action_kick": "被系统请出了房间",
"no action_warn_part1": "已经很久没有操作了,若继续挂机,将于",
"no action_warn_part2": "秒后被请出房间",
"incorrect_password": "密码错误",
"file_not_found": "未找到文件 "
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