Commit 7592f43d authored by Stephen M. Coakley's avatar Stephen M. Coakley

fix: smarter AWK detection that supports nawk

parent 5943c226
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ before_script:
- tree -h
- export
- pushd bin; sha256sum -c install.sha256; popd
- fish $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/bin/install --offline --noninteractive --yes
- fish $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/bin/install --verbose --offline --noninteractive --yes
- tests/
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ fish install --path=~/.local/share/omf --config=~/.config/omf
You can verify the integrity of the downloaded installer by verifying the script against [this checksum](bin/install.sha256):
bedbff763e374d5ca3367fa75b322302411e961947133eb22c7115083ba3a3ff install
4dd63d6a974a61c100cbe145ae46eac69edce985f20b061f353cc399b36c7587 install
You can also install Oh My Fish with Git or with an offline source tarball downloaded from the [releases page][releases]:
......@@ -466,8 +466,9 @@ function sane_environment_check
and test "$result[3]" = 1.2.3
or abort (which sort)" is not a sane 'sort' implementation"
debug "Checking AWK version"
if not cmd awk -Wv | cmd grep -i -q AWK
debug "Checking for a working AWK interpreter"
cmd awk 'BEGIN{exit 42;}' < /dev/null ^ /dev/null
if not test $status -eq 42
abort (which awk)" does not look like an AWK interpreter."
......@@ -581,7 +582,11 @@ end
# A link-following `which` wrapper.
function which
command readlink (command which $argv)
if type -q realpath
realpath (command which $argv)
command readlink (command which $argv)
bedbff763e374d5ca3367fa75b322302411e961947133eb22c7115083ba3a3ff install
4dd63d6a974a61c100cbe145ae46eac69edce985f20b061f353cc399b36c7587 install
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