4. Install frontend from (https://code.mycard.moe/pani/gateway-selector-web)[https://code.mycard.moe/pani/gateway-selector-web] and build it into `build/public`.
5. Copy `config.example.yaml` into `config.yaml` and make your changes.
6.`npm start`
## About IPSet
This project only make changes in IPSet of the host. You have to set rules in `iptables` to make full use.
## Docker
The Docker image is at `nanahira/gateway-selector` in DockerHub, or `git-registry.mycard.moe/nanahira/gateway-selector` in MyCard Git Service.
Must be run in `net: host` and the cap `NET_ADMIN`.
### Ports
* The port configured, mostly `80` for http or `443` for https.