Commit 482e3bb0 authored by JoyJ's avatar JoyJ


parent 4532cde0
Pipeline #115 failed with stage
in 46 seconds
......@@ -616,9 +616,9 @@ private void menuitem_testlua_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Lua lua = new Lua();
var env = lua.CreateEnvironment();
env.DoChunk("Duel={} Effect={} Card={} aux={} Auxiliary={} _G={}" + cCode + "={} " + this.fctb.Text,"test.lua");
env.DoChunk("Duel={} Effect={} Card={} aux={} Auxiliary={} _G={}" + cCode + "={} " + this.fctb.Text, "test.lua");
catch(LuaException ex)
catch (LuaException ex)
MessageBox.Show($"LINE{ex.Line} - {ex.Message}");
error = true;
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