Commit 846b4079 authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233


parent ea3ac278
...@@ -28,60 +28,57 @@ function c31111109.initial_effect(c) ...@@ -28,60 +28,57 @@ function c31111109.initial_effect(c)
c:RegisterEffect(e3) c:RegisterEffect(e3)
end end
c31111109.material_setcode=0x8 c31111109.material_setcode=0x8
function c31111109.ffilter(c,cat,fc) function c31111109.ffilter(c,fc)
return c:IsFusionSetCard(cat) and not c:IsHasEffect(6205579) and c:IsCanBeFusionMaterial(fc) return (c:IsFusionSetCard(0x9) or c:IsFusionSetCard(0x1f) or c:IsFusionSetCard(0x8))
and not c:IsHasEffect(6205579) and c:IsCanBeFusionMaterial(fc)
end end
function c31111109.fuscon(e,g,gc,chkf) function c31111109.fselect(c,tp,mg,sg)
if g==nil then return false end sg:AddCard(c)
if gc then return false end local res
local g1=g:Filter(c31111109.ffilter,nil,0x9,e:GetHandler()) if sg:GetCount()<5 then
return res
function c31111109.fgoal(tp,sg)
if sg:IsExists(aux.FCheckTuneMagicianX,1,nil,sg) then return false end
if not (sg:GetCount()==5 and Duel.GetLocationCountFromEx(tp,tp,sg)>0) then return false end
local g1=sg:Filter(Card.IsFusionSetCard,nil,0x9)
local c1=g1:GetCount() local c1=g1:GetCount()
local g2=g:Filter(c31111109.ffilter,nil,0x1f,e:GetHandler()) local g2=sg:Filter(Card.IsFusionSetCard,nil,0x1f)
local c2=g2:GetCount() local c2=g2:GetCount()
local g3=g:Filter(c31111109.ffilter,nil,0x8,e:GetHandler()) local g3=sg:Filter(Card.IsFusionSetCard,nil,0x8)
local c3=g3:GetCount() local c3=g3:GetCount()
local ag=g1:Clone() return c1>0 and c2>0 and c3>0 and (c1>1 or c3>1 or g1:GetFirst()~=g3:GetFirst())
ag:Merge(g2) end
ag:Merge(g3) function c31111109.fuscon(e,g,gc,chkf)
if chkf~=PLAYER_NONE and not ag:IsExists(aux.FConditionCheckF,1,nil,chkf) then return false end if g==nil then return true end
return c1>0 and c2>0 and c3>0 and ag:GetCount()>=5 and (c1>1 or c3>1 or g1:GetFirst()~=g3:GetFirst()) local c=e:GetHandler()
local tp=c:GetControler()
local mg=g:Filter(c31111109.ffilter,nil,c)
if gc then
if not mg:IsContains(gc) then return false end
local sg=Group.CreateGroup()
return c31111109.fselect(gc,tp,mg,sg)
local sg=Group.CreateGroup()
return mg:IsExists(c31111109.fselect,1,nil,tp,mg,sg)
end end
function c31111109.fusop(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,gc,chkf) function c31111109.fusop(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,gc,chkf)
if gc then return end local c=e:GetHandler()
local g1=eg:Filter(c31111109.ffilter,nil,0x9,e:GetHandler()) local tp=c:GetControler()
local g2=eg:Filter(c31111109.ffilter,nil,0x1f,e:GetHandler()) local mg=eg:Filter(c31111109.ffilter,nil,c)
local g3=eg:Filter(c31111109.ffilter,nil,0x8,e:GetHandler()) local sg=Group.CreateGroup()
local ag=g1:Clone() if gc then sg:AddCard(gc) end
ag:Merge(g2) while sg:GetCount()<5 do
local tc=nil local f1=0 local f2=0 local f3=0
local mg=Group.CreateGroup()
for i=1,5 do
if i==1 and chkf~=PLAYER_NONE then local g=mg:FilterSelect(tp,c31111109.fselect,1,1,sg,tp,mg,sg)
tc=ag:FilterSelect(tp,aux.FConditionCheckF,1,1,nil,chkf):GetFirst() sg:Merge(g)
else tc=ag:Select(tp,1,1,nil):GetFirst() end
if g1:IsContains(tc) then
if g3:IsContains(tc) then g3:RemoveCard(tc) f1=f1+1 f3=f3+1
else f1=f1+2 end
elseif g2:IsContains(tc) then g2:RemoveCard(tc) f2=f2+1
else g3:RemoveCard(tc) f3=f3+2 end
if i==3 then
if f1==0 and f2==0 then ag:Sub(g3)
elseif f1==0 and f3==0 then ag:Sub(g2)
elseif f2==0 and f3==0 then ag:Sub(g1) end
if i==4 then
if f1==0 then ag=g1
elseif f2==0 then ag=g2
elseif f3==0 then ag=g3
elseif f1==1 and f3==1 then ag:Sub(g2) end
end end
Duel.SetFusionMaterial(mg) Duel.SetFusionMaterial(sg)
end end
function c31111109.filter(c) function c31111109.filter(c)
return (c:IsSetCard(0x9) or c:IsSetCard(0x1f) or c:IsSetCard(0x8)) and c:IsType(TYPE_MONSTER) return (c:IsSetCard(0x9) or c:IsSetCard(0x1f) or c:IsSetCard(0x8)) and c:IsType(TYPE_MONSTER)
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