Illusion Type conflict
#define RACE_CYBERSE 0x1000000 //
#define RACE_ILLUSION 0x2000000 //
-- 新种族
RACE_CYBORG = 0x2000000 -- 电子人
RACE_MAGICALKNIGHT = 0x4000000 -- 魔导骑士
RACE_HYDRAGON = 0x8000000 -- 多头龙
RACE_OMEGAPSYCHO = 0x10000000 -- 欧米茄念动力
RACE_CELESTIALWARRIOR = 0x20000000 -- 天界战士
RACE_GALAXY = 0x40000000 -- 银河
There is a conflict. I propose to change the rush duel types to this and mercury233 agrees:
Cyborg = 0x4000000,
MagicalKnight = 0x8000000,
HighDragon = 0x10000000,
OmegaPsycho = 0x20000000,
CelestialKnight = 0x40000000,
Galaxy = 0x80000000
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