Commit 3391b881 authored by ganjingcun's avatar ganjingcun


parent 9db801d3
......@@ -45,16 +45,16 @@
<div style="margin-left: 20%;margin-right: 20%; ">
<p>【胜】VS【负】 </p>
<p> 比赛: {{form.name1}} VS {{form.name2}}</p>
<p> 时间: {{getDate()}}</p>
<p> 规则: {{form.rule}}</p>
<p> 地点: {{form.location}}</p>
<p> ------------第一轮------------</p>
<p v-for="x in list">
<!--<p>【胜】VS【负】 </p>-->
<span class="xx"> 比赛: {{form.name1}} VS {{form.name2}}</span>
<span class="xx"> 时间: {{getDate()}}</span>
<span class="xx"> 规则: {{form.rule}}</span>
<span class="xx"> 地点: {{form.location}}</span>
<span class="xx"> ------------第一轮------------</span>
<span class="xx" v-for="x in list">
{{x.a}} &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 0:0 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; {{x.b}}
<p> ------------第二轮------------</p>
<span class="xx"> ------------第二轮------------</span>
......@@ -209,4 +209,10 @@
<style scoped>
.xx {
margin-top: 0px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
display: block;
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