Commit 2affe66e authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

fix zombie room again

parent ed988ca0
Pipeline #27501 passed with stages
in 10 minutes and 31 seconds
......@@ -749,7 +749,7 @@ ROOM_find_or_create_random = global.ROOM_find_or_create_random = (type, player_i
max_player = if type == 'T' then 4 else 2
playerbanned = (randomDuelBanRecord and randomDuelBanRecord.count > 3 and moment_now < randomDuelBanRecord.time)
result = _.find ROOM_all, (room)->
return room and room.random_type != '' and room.duel_stage == ygopro.constants.DUEL_STAGE.BEGIN and !room.windbot and
return room and room.random_type != '' and !room.disconnector and room.duel_stage == ygopro.constants.DUEL_STAGE.BEGIN and !room.windbot and
((type == '' and
(room.random_type == settings.modules.random_duel.default_type or
settings.modules.random_duel.blank_pass_modes[room.random_type])) or
......@@ -978,7 +978,7 @@
playerbanned = randomDuelBanRecord && randomDuelBanRecord.count > 3 && moment_now < randomDuelBanRecord.time;
result = _.find(ROOM_all, function(room) {
var ref;
return room && room.random_type !== '' && room.duel_stage === ygopro.constants.DUEL_STAGE.BEGIN && !room.windbot && ((type === '' && (room.random_type === settings.modules.random_duel.default_type || settings.modules.random_duel.blank_pass_modes[room.random_type])) || room.random_type === type) && (0 < (ref = room.get_playing_player().length) && ref < max_player) && (settings.modules.random_duel.no_rematch_check || room.get_host() === null || room.get_host().ip !== ROOM_players_oppentlist[player_ip]) && (playerbanned === room.deprecated || type === 'T');
return room && room.random_type !== '' && !room.disconnector && room.duel_stage === ygopro.constants.DUEL_STAGE.BEGIN && !room.windbot && ((type === '' && (room.random_type === settings.modules.random_duel.default_type || settings.modules.random_duel.blank_pass_modes[room.random_type])) || room.random_type === type) && (0 < (ref = room.get_playing_player().length) && ref < max_player) && (settings.modules.random_duel.no_rematch_check || room.get_host() === null || room.get_host().ip !== ROOM_players_oppentlist[player_ip]) && (playerbanned === room.deprecated || type === 'T');
if (result) {
result.welcome = '${random_duel_enter_room_waiting}';
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