Commit 0897037b authored by Chunchi Che's avatar Chunchi Che

add CtosGameMsgResponse and add response field in MsgSelectIdleCmd

parent cd2ef52b
Pipeline #18645 passed with stage
in 17 seconds
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ message YgoCtosMsg {
CtosHandResult ctos_hand_result = 7;
CtosTpResult ctos_tp_result = 8;
CtosTimeConfirm ctos_time_confirm = 9;
CtosGameMsgResponse ctos_response = 10;
......@@ -84,6 +85,13 @@ message CtosTpResult {
// 确认计时
message CtosTimeConfirm {}
// 决斗对局内协议
message CtosGameMsgResponse {
message SelectIdleCmdResponse { int32 code = 1; }
oneof gameMsgResponse { SelectIdleCmdResponse select_idle_cmd = 1; }
// ----- STOC -----
// 服务端告诉前端/客户端已成功加入房间,
......@@ -285,6 +293,7 @@ message StocGameMessage {
CardInfo card_info = 1;
int32 effect_description =
2; // `IdleType`为`ACTIVATE`时才会设置这个字段
int32 response = 3; // 当用户选择该操作项时,把这个值回传给服务端
IdleType idle_type = 1;
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