Commit ee240a68 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

no omf below ubuntu 22

parent 4da0f77a
Pipeline #18799 failed with stage
in 10 minutes and 47 seconds
......@@ -25,17 +25,19 @@
creates: '~/.local/share/omf'
ignore_errors: true
when: not (ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version_major | int < 22)
- name: change omf mirror
when: china_mirror_omf
content: master
dest: '~/.local/share/omf/repositories'
when: china_mirror_omf
when: china_mirror_omf and not (ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version_major | int < 22)
- name: 终端环境 fish robbyrussell
shell: 'omf install {{robbyrussell_path}}'
executable: /usr/bin/fish
creates: '~/.local/share/omf/themes/robbyrussell'
when: not (ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' and ansible_distribution_version_major | int < 22)
- name: 终端环境 fish 自动填充
name: '~/.config/fish/completions'
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