Commit 91aae03f authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

put together

parent 1685dac9
Pipeline #17454 passed with stages
in 1 minute and 25 seconds
......@@ -193,9 +193,9 @@ export class MirrorService extends ConsoleLogger {
try {
const { data } = await lastValueFrom(
this.http.patch<{ url: string }>(middleware.url, mirror, { responseType: 'json', timeout: 30000 })
this.http.patch<ReturnMessage<string>>(middleware.url, mirror, { responseType: 'json', timeout: 30000 })
return data.url;
} catch (e) {
this.error(`Failed getting mirror url for ${mirror.path} with middleware ${middleware.identifier}: ${e.toString()}`);
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