Commit 318c7a4b authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma


parent b94485e6
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ function s.initial_effect(c)
{ "Target", "BanishFacedown", s.bfilter, 0, "GY"}, { "~Target", "Return2Hand", s.rtfilter, "OnField", 0, 1, 1, c }} , s.bop)
function s.pfilter(c,e,tp)
return aux.IsCodeListed(c, 10106003) and Scl.IsType(c,TYPE_CONTINUOUS,TYPE_TRAP,TYPE_SPELL) and not c:IsForbidden() and Duel.GetLocationCount(tp,LOCATION_SZONE) > 0
return aux.IsCodeListed(c, 10106003) and Scl.IsCardType(c,TYPE_CONTINUOUS,TYPE_TRAP,TYPE_SPELL) and not c:IsForbidden() and Duel.GetLocationCount(tp,LOCATION_SZONE) > 0
function s.tfop(e,tp)
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ local s,id = GetID()
function s.initial_effect(c)
local e1 = Scl.CreateFieldTriggerOptionalEffect(c, "BeSpecialSummoned",
"Equip", nil, "Equip,NormalSummon",
"Target", "Hand,MonsterZone", s.eqcon, nil,
"Target,Delay", "Hand,MonsterZone", s.eqcon, nil,
{ "Target", "Equip", s.eqfilter, 0, "MonsterZone" }, s.eqop)
local e2 = Scl.CreateFieldTriggerContinousEffect(c, "BeforeEffectResolving",
nil, nil, nil, "Spell&TrapZone", s.drcon, s.drop)
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ local s,id = GetID()
function s.initial_effect(c)
local e1 = Scl.CreateFieldTriggerOptionalEffect(c, "BeSpecialSummoned",
"Equip", nil, "Equip,NormalSummon",
"Target", "Hand,MonsterZone", s.eqcon, nil,
"Target,Delay", "Hand,MonsterZone", s.eqcon, nil,
{ "Target", "Equip", s.eqfilter, 0, "MonsterZone" }, s.eqop)
--local e2 = Scl.CreateFieldTriggerContinousEffect(c, "Adjust", nil, nil, nil, "Spell&TrapZone", nil, s.bnop)
local e3 = Scl.CreateFieldTriggerContinousEffect(c, "BeEffectTarget", nil, nil, nil, "Spell&TrapZone", s.bncon2, s.bnop2)
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ local s,id = GetID()
function s.initial_effect(c)
local e1 = Scl.CreateFieldTriggerOptionalEffect(c, "BeSpecialSummoned",
"Equip", nil, "Equip,NormalSummon",
"Target", "Hand,MonsterZone", s.eqcon, nil,
"Target,Delay", "Hand,MonsterZone", s.eqcon, nil,
{ "Target", "Equip", s.eqfilter, 0, "MonsterZone" }, s.eqop)
local e2 = Scl.CreateFieldTriggerContinousEffect(c, "BeforeLeavingField",nil,nil,nil,"Spell&TrapZone",s.lfcon,s.lfop)
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