Commit f48561f1 authored by HidarimeYume's avatar HidarimeYume Committed by DailyShana

fix Evenly Matched (#999)

Fixed the issue with able to activate in hand when opponent had only 1 card on field.
parent 778f8f8c
......@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ end
local g=Duel.GetFieldGroup(tp,0,LOCATION_ONFIELD)
local ct=g:GetCount()-Duel.GetFieldGroupCount(tp,LOCATION_ONFIELD,0)
if e:GetHandler():IsLocation(LOCATION_HAND) then ct=ct-1 end
if chk==0 then return not Duel.IsPlayerAffectedByEffect(1-tp,30459350)
and ct>0 and g:IsExists(c15693423.rmfilter,1,nil,1-tp) end
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