Commit 0e537522 authored by wyykak's avatar wyykak

fix 999111

(cherry picked from commit 44da3922)
parent be9074a1
Pipeline #8282 passed with stage
in 34 seconds
......@@ -73,8 +73,11 @@ function M.chain_target(e, te, tp)
if not te then return end
local c = te:GetHandler()
if not c then return end
return c:IsCode(24235) and Duel.GetMatchingGroup(M.filter, tp, LOCATION_MZONE+LOCATION_GRAVE+LOCATION_HAND+LOCATION_DECK, 0, nil, te)
if c:IsCode(24235) then
return Duel.GetMatchingGroup(M.filter, tp, LOCATION_MZONE+LOCATION_GRAVE+LOCATION_HAND+LOCATION_DECK, 0, nil, te)
return Group.CreateGroup()
function M.chain_operation(e,te,tp,tc,mat,sumtype)
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