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A new version of YGOPro in Unity with MasterDuel Assets.
Web version of ygopro.
MC 先行卡更新CDB、卡图、脚本的仓库; Super-pre cards list: https://cdn02.moecube.com:444/ygopro-super-pre/data/test-release.json Downloadable package for super-pre: https://cdn02.moecube.com:444/ygopro-super-pre/archive/ygopro-super-pre.ypk
A sample version of ygopro in Unity
A script engine for "yu-gi-oh!" and sample gui.
MC 先行卡更新CDB、卡图、脚本的仓库; 先行卡认领、进度与Bug反馈表格: https://docs.qq.com/sheet/DWndsYXFjc3pkZmtM
A server for YGOPro
Custom card data for YGOPro 222DIY
Closeups for YGOPro2
YGO artworks
A sample version of ygopro in Unity
Generates CN env database from NW posts.