Commit f2d796b8 authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233 Committed by GitHub

fix 夢魔鏡の使徒-ネイロイ

parent 68181fb8
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function c18189187.thfilter(c)
function c18189187.thtg(e,tp,eg,ep,ev,re,r,rp,chk)
if chk==0 then return true end
if Duel.IsEnvironment(74665651,PLAYER_ALL,LOCATION_FZONE)
if Duel.IsEnvironment(74665651,PLAYER_ALL,LOCATION_FZONE) then
if Duel.IsEnvironment(1050355,PLAYER_ALL,LOCATION_FZONE) then
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