Commit 505e3772 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira


parent 13410e5b
......@@ -1671,10 +1671,6 @@ void Game::OnResize() {
wReplaySave->setRelativePosition(ResizeWin(510, 200, 820, 320));
stHintMsg->setRelativePosition(ResizeWin(500, 60, 820, 90));
//sound / music volume bar
scrSoundVolume->setRelativePosition(rect<s32>(20 + 126, 200 + 4, 20 + (300 * xScale) - 40, 200 + 21));
scrMusicVolume->setRelativePosition(rect<s32>(20 + 126, 230 + 4, 20 + (300 * xScale) - 40, 230 + 21));
//sound / music volume bar
scrSoundVolume->setRelativePosition(recti(20 + 126, 200 + 4, 20 + (300 * xScale) - 40, 200 + 21));
scrMusicVolume->setRelativePosition(recti(20 + 126, 230 + 4, 20 + (300 * xScale) - 40, 230 + 21));
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