Commit d08a248a authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233

fix GetHoveredCard

fix: if the mouse move directly to the left panel, hovered_pos
won't be updated
parent 35cdec55
......@@ -676,14 +676,14 @@ bool DeckBuilder::OnEvent(const irr::SEvent& event) {
return false;
void DeckBuilder::GetHoveredCard() {
hovered_pos = 0;
hovered_code = 0;
irr::gui::IGUIElement* root = mainGame->env->getRootGUIElement();
if(root->getElementFromPoint(mouse_pos) != root)
int x = mouse_pos.X;
int y = mouse_pos.Y;
int pre_code = hovered_code;
hovered_pos = 0;
hovered_code = 0;
is_lastcard = 0;
if(x >= 314 && x <= 794) {
if(y >= 164 && y <= 435) {
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