Commit 1ad11117 authored by Chunchi Che's avatar Chunchi Che

fix win

parent 536ed9e6
import { ygopro } from "@/api";
import { matStore } from "@/stores";
import MsgWin = ygopro.StocGameMessage.MsgWin;
export default (win: ygopro.StocGameMessage.MsgWin) => {
matStore.result = win.type_;
export default (win: MsgWin) => {
const player = win.player;
if (matStore.isMe(player)) {
matStore.result = win.type_;
} else {
matStore.result =
win.type_ == MsgWin.ActionType.Win
? MsgWin.ActionType.Defeated
: MsgWin.ActionType.Win;
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