Commit bc70ddb2 authored by wind2009's avatar wind2009

Fix リペア・ジェネクス・コントローラー
parent 6637141a
......@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ function s.splimit1(e,c,sump,sumtype,sumpos,targetp,se)
return se:IsHasType(EFFECT_TYPE_ACTIONS) and c:IsLocation(LOCATION_EXTRA)
function s.smcfilter(c,sc)
return c:IsSetCard(0x2) and c:IsTuner(sc)
return c:IsSetCard(0x2) and c:IsType(TYPE_TUNER)
function s.synfilter(c,syncard,tuner,f)
return c:IsFaceupEx() and c:IsCanBeSynchroMaterial(syncard,tuner) and (f==nil or f(c,syncard))
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