Commit fa690781 authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma Committed by GitHub

Merge pull request #21 from Lyris12/WIP

Add Perdition card type
parents b3a3c4e0 e4b84e30
......@@ -385,6 +385,7 @@ card style:
origin spatial monster : new/card-spatial.png
altered spatial monster : new/card-spatial.png
conjoint trell card : {masked_blend(dark: "card-spell-conjoint.png", light: "card-trap-conjoint.png", mask: "mask-half-v.png")}
perdition monster : new/card-perdition.png
left: 0
top: 0
......@@ -613,7 +614,7 @@ card style:
#width: { if is_nmonster() then 327 else if card.card_type=="link monster" then 0 else 334 }
width: { if is_nmonster() then 338 else if card.card_type=="link monster" or (card.card_type == "link monster" and is_conjoint()) then 0 else 334 }
height: 28
alignment: {if card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or (is_pendulum() and (card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster")) then "middle left shrink-overflow" else if card.card_type=="evolute monster" or card.card_type=="evolute conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "conjoint spell card" or card.card_type == "conjoint trap card" or card.card_type == "conjoint trell card" or is_spatial() then "middle center shrink-overflow" else "middle right shrink-overflow" }
alignment: {if card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or (is_pendulum() and (card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster")) then "middle left shrink-overflow" else if card.card_type=="evolute monster" or card.card_type=="evolute conjoint monster" or card.card_type == "conjoint spell card" or card.card_type == "conjoint trap card" or card.card_type == "conjoint trell card" or is_spatial() or card.card_type == "perdition monster" then "middle center shrink-overflow" else "middle right shrink-overflow" }
z index: 2
......@@ -634,12 +635,12 @@ card style:
size: { if is_monster() then 7.5 else 15 }
############################# Image
left: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 25 else if is_pendulum() then 28 else if card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then 27 else if styling.image_frame then 44 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 23 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 28 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 24 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 28 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 47 else 51 }
top: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 107 else if is_pendulum() then 110 else if styling.image_frame then 106 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 102 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 99 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 108 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 110 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 110 else 113 }
width: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 371 else if is_pendulum() then 365 else if styling.image_frame then 333 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 374 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 373 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 366 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 326 else 320 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 370.5 else 349.5 ) ) else if styling.image_frame then 333 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 483 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 479 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 474 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 470 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 326 else 320 }
left: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 25 else if is_pendulum() or card.card_type == "perdition monster" then 28 else if card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then 27 else if styling.image_frame then 44 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 23 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 28 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 24 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 28 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 47 else 51 }
top: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 107 else if is_pendulum() or card.card_type == "perdition monster" then 110 else if styling.image_frame then 106 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 102 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 99 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 108 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 110 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 110 else 113 }
width: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 371 else if is_pendulum() then 365 else if styling.image_frame then 333 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 374 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 373 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" or card.card_type == "perdition monster" then 366 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 326 else 320 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 370.5 else 349.5 ) ) else if styling.image_frame then 333 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" ) then 483 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 479 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and styling.template_style=="actual style" then 474 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 470 else if card.card_type == "perdition monster" then 361 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 326 else 320 }
z index: 1
mask: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then "" else if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="proxy-like" then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "mask-p_more.png" else "mask-p.png" ) else ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_opaque_less.png" else "mask-p_opaque.png" ) ) else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then ( if card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card" or card.card_type=="conjoint spell card" or card.card_type=="conjoint trap card" or card.card_type=="skill card" then "new/maskex5.png" else if card.card_type=="link monster" then "new/maskex3.png" else "new/maskex4.png" ) else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then (if card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card" then "maskex1.png" else if card.card_type=="link monster" then "maskex2.png" else "maskex.png") else "" }
mask: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then "" else if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="proxy-like" then ( if styling.pendulum_transparency then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_less.png" else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then "mask-p_more.png" else "mask-p.png" ) else ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then "mask-p_opaque_less.png" else "mask-p_opaque.png" ) ) else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then ( if card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card" or card.card_type=="conjoint spell card" or card.card_type=="conjoint trap card" or card.card_type=="skill card" then "new/maskex5.png" else if card.card_type=="link monster" then "new/maskex3.png" else "new/maskex4.png" ) else if card.card_type == "perdition monster" then "mask-perdition.png"else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then (if card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card" then "maskex1.png" else if card.card_type=="link monster" then "maskex2.png" else "maskex.png") else "" }
############################# Pendulum Border
left: 14.5
......@@ -793,7 +794,7 @@ card style:
monster type:
#left: { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 38 else 40 }
left: { if is_nmonster() then (359 - card_style.level.content_width) else if is_tw() or is_cn() then 28 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and (is_tw() or is_cn() ) then 25 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 30 else 32 }
top : { if is_pendulum() and ( styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" ) then 477 else if is_pendulum() and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 476 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 463 else 462 }
top : { if is_pendulum() and ( styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" ) then 477 else if is_pendulum() and styling.pendulum_size=="more" or card.card_type == "perdition monster" then 476 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 463 else 462 }
width: { if styling.large_type then card_style.monster_type.content_width + 8 else card_style.monster_type.content_width + 6 }
height: 15
alignment: middle left
......@@ -817,12 +818,12 @@ card style:
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
############################# Edition and Card ID
left: { if is_pendulum() then 34 else if (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 165 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork="yes" then 48 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") then 34 else 262 }
top : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( is_pendulum() ) then 562 else if is_pendulum() then 561 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" ) then 586 else if (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 584 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") ) then 563 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") then 561 else 440 }
left: { if is_pendulum() or card.card_type == "perdition monster" then 34 else if (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 165 else if card.card_type=="link monster" and styling.extended_artwork="yes" then 48 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") then 34 else 262 }
top : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( is_pendulum() or card.card_type == "perdition monster" ) then 562 else if is_pendulum() then 561 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" ) then 586 else if (card.card_type=="spell card" or card.card_type=="trap card") and styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then 584 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and ( styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") ) then 563 else if styling.extended_artwork=="yes" and (card.card_type!="spell card" or card.card_type!="trap card") then 561 else 440 }
width: 115
height: 15
z index: 2
alignment: { if is_pendulum() or styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "left middle" else "right middle" }
alignment: { if is_pendulum() or card.card_type == "perdition monster" or styling.extended_artwork=="yes" then "left middle" else "right middle" }
name: Stone Serif
size: 8.5
......@@ -842,9 +843,9 @@ card style:
############################# Text box
rule text:
left: { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 30 else 32 }
top : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" and is_nmonster() then 460 else if is_nmonster() then 458 else if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then ( if is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="normal monster" then 492 else 490 ) else ( if is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="normal monster" then 476 else 474 ) ) else if ( card.card_type=="normal monster" and styling.image_frame=="no" ) then 478 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 478 else 474 }
top : { if styling.template_style=="actual style" and is_nmonster() then 460 else if is_nmonster() then 458 else if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then ( if is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="normal monster" then 492 else 490 ) else ( if is_pendulum() and card.card_type=="normal monster" then 476 else 474 ) ) else if ( card.card_type=="normal monster" and styling.image_frame=="no" ) then 478 else if card.card_type == "perdition monster" then 490 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 478 else 474 }
width: { if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 358 else 356 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 118 else if is_pendulum() and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 65 else 82 }
height: { if is_nmonster() then 118 else if is_pendulum() and styling.pendulum_size=="more" or card.card_type == "perdition monster" then 65 else 82 }
......@@ -909,9 +910,9 @@ card style:
z index: 2
alignment: right middle shrink-overflow
name: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then "IDroid" else "MatrixBoldSmallCaps" }
name: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then "Ro GSan Serif Std B" else "MatrixBoldSmallCaps" }
italic name: Matrix-Bold
size: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then 14 else 14 }
size: { if card.card_type=="link monster" then 12 else 14 }
color: rgb(0,0,0)
symbol font:
name: yugioh-text-replacements
......@@ -919,11 +920,11 @@ card style:
size: 6
visible: { if is_nmonster() then false else true }
pendulum text:
left: { if is_pendulum() then true and 65 }
top : { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then true and ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 407 else 385 ) else if is_pendulum() then true and ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 406 else 384 ) }
width: { if is_pendulum() then true and 290 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then true and ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 48 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 84 else 69 ) }
visible: { is_pendulum() }
left: 65
top : { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style=="actual style" then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 407 else 385 ) else if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 406 else 384 ) else if card.card_type == "perdition monster" then 385 }
width: {if is_pendulum() then 290 else 290+37 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 48 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 84 else 69 ) else if card.card_type == "perdition monster" then 84 }
visible: { is_pendulum() or card.card_type == "perdition monster" }
......@@ -957,11 +958,11 @@ card style:
line height line max: { if styling.max_line_space then 1 else 0.73 }
blue scale:
#may need further adjustement after OSUME's new template arrives. <-Already Arrived
left: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style="actual style" then true and 27 else if is_pendulum() then true and 30 }
top: { if is_pendulum() then true and ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 434 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 436 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 427 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 431 else 424 ) }
width: { if is_pendulum() then true and 27 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then true and 14 }
visible: { if is_pendulum() then true else false }
left: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style="actual style" then 27 else if is_pendulum() then 27 else 29 }
top: { if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 434 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 436 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 427 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 431 else 424 ) else 436 }
width: 27
height: 14
visible: { is_pendulum() or card.card_type == "perdition monster" }
z index: 2
alignment: "middle center"
......@@ -970,11 +971,11 @@ card style:
color: rgb(30,30,30)
red scale:
#may need further adjustement after OSUME's new template arrives. <-Already Arrived
left: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style="actual style" then true and 365 else if is_pendulum() then true and 363 else if card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then true and 365 }
top: { if is_pendulum() then true and ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 434 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 436 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 427 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 431 else 424 ) }
width: { if is_pendulum() then true and 27 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then true and 14 }
visible: { if is_pendulum() then true else false }
left: { if is_pendulum() and styling.template_style="actual style" then 365 else if is_pendulum() then 363 else if card.card_type=="pandemonium monster" then 365 }
top: { if is_pendulum() then ( if styling.pendulum_size=="less" then 434 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" and styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 436 else if styling.template_style=="actual style" then 427 else if styling.pendulum_size=="more" then 431 else 424 ) }
width: { if is_pendulum() then 27 }
height: { if is_pendulum() then 14 }
visible: { is_pendulum() }
z index: 2
alignment: "middle center"
......@@ -1103,8 +1104,8 @@ extra card style:
z index: 2
alignment: right middle
name: MatrixBoldSmallCaps
size: 14
name: {if card.card_type=="link monster" then "Ro GSan Serif Std B" else "MatrixBoldSmallCaps"}
size: {if card.card_type=="link monster" then 12 else 14}
color: rgb(0,0,0)
visible: script: if is_nmonster() then false else true
pendulum line:
......@@ -139,6 +139,11 @@ symbol:
image: negative_dimension.png
enabled: {card.card_type=="altered spatial monster"}
image font size: 17
code: *
image: sealed-level.png
enabled: {card.card_type=="perdition monster"}
image font size: 17
code: *
image: star.png
......@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ card field:
choice: skill card
choice: xros monster
choice: dual xros monster
choice: perdition monster
default: card_type()
choice colors cardlist:
normal monster : rgb(197,179,53)
......@@ -105,6 +105,12 @@ word list:
word: 創造神族
word: 幻竜族
word: サイバース族
word list:
name: nonmonster
word: Spell Card
word: Spell Card
word: Trap Card
word: Trap Card
word list:
name: card
word: Normal
......@@ -144,7 +150,6 @@ word list:
word: Chroma
word: Perdition
word: Impure
word: Runic
word: 通常
word: 同调
word: 超量
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