Commit 4589c901 authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma

WIP added language selection to rush template

Added OCG-English, Chinese and Japanese.
Still WIP
parent 371d585b
No preview for this file type
......@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ styling field:
description: 卡片语言 Language of the card, supports English, Japanese and Chinese (Simplified or Traditional).
initial: english
choice: english
choice: OCG style english
choice: japanese
choice: chinese simplified
choice: chinese traditional
styling field:
type: info
name: Customizations
......@@ -135,8 +139,17 @@ card style:
shadow displacement x: 0.3
shadow displacement y: 1.2
name: Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Small Caps 2
size: 35
#name: Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Small Caps 2
if styling.language=="japanese" then "Chiaro-E-TT"
else if styling.language=="OCG style english" then "Chiaro-E-TT"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "Tensentype QinYuanJ-W4"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "Chiaro-E-TT"
else "Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Small Caps 2"
#size: 35
script: if styling.language=="japanese" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" or styling.language=="chinese traditional" then 27 else if styling.language=="OCG style english" then 26 else 35
script: if is_pendulum() and (card.card_type=="xros monster" or card.card_type=="dual xros monster" or card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type=="evolute monster" or card.card_type=="bigbang monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster") then rgb(255,255,255)
else if card.card_type=="xros monster" or card.card_type=="dual xros monster" or card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" or card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type=="evolute monster" or card.card_type=="bigbang monster" or card.card_type=="skill card" or is_nmonster() then rgb(255,255,255)
......@@ -177,14 +190,15 @@ card style:
render style: image
popup style: in place
choice images:
earth: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then "grade-earth.png" else "attribute/earth_rd.png"}
water: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then "grade-water.png" else "attribute/water_rd.png"}
fire: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then "grade-fire.png" else "attribute/fire_rd.png"}
wind: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then "grade-wind.png" else "attribute/wind_rd.png"}
light: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then "grade-light.png" else "attribute/light_rd.png"}
dark: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then "grade-dark.png" else "attribute/dark_rd.png"}
spell: attribute/spell_rd.png
trap: attribute/trap_rd.png
earth: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then "grade-earth.png" else if styling.language == "japanese" then "attribute/jpball/earth_rd.png" else if styling.language == "chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "attribute/cnball/earth_rd.png" else "attribute/earth_rd.png"}
water: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then "grade-water.png" else if styling.language == "japanese" then "attribute/jpball/water_rd.png" else if styling.language == "chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "attribute/cnball/water_rd.png" else "attribute/water_rd.png"}
fire: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then "grade-fire.png" else if styling.language == "japanese" then "attribute/jpball/fire_rd.png" else if styling.language == "chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "attribute/cnball/fire_rd.png" else "attribute/fire_rd.png"}
wind: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then "grade-wind.png" else if styling.language == "japanese" then "attribute/jpball/wind_rd.png" else if styling.language == "chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "attribute/cnball/wind_rd.png" else "attribute/wind_rd.png"}
light: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then "grade-light.png" else if styling.language == "japanese" then "attribute/jpball/light_rd.png" else if styling.language == "chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "attribute/cnball/light_rd.png" else "attribute/light_rd.png"}
dark: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then "grade-dark.png" else if styling.language == "japanese" then "attribute/jpball/dark_rd.png" else if styling.language == "chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "attribute/cnball/dark_rd.png" else "attribute/dark_rd.png"}
spell: {if styling.language == "japanese" then "attribute/jpball/spell_rd.png" else if styling.language == "chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "attribute/cnball/spell_rd.png" else "attribute/spell_rd.png" }
trap: {if styling.language == "japanese" then "attribute/jpball/trap_rd.png" else if styling.language == "chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "attribute/cnball/trap_rd.png" else "attribute/trap_rd.png" }
divine: trap: {if styling.language == "japanese" then "attribute/jpball/divine_rd.png" else if styling.language == "chinese traditional" or styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "attribute/cnball/divine_rd.png" else "attribute/divine_rd.png" }
left: 17
top : {if card.card_type == "evolute monster" then 67 else if is_pendulum() then (if styling.pendulum_size == "less" then 313 else if styling.pendulum_size == "more" then 263 else 296) else 366}
......@@ -324,14 +338,29 @@ card style:
on: rdlink-4.png
monster type:
left: 26
top : 436
#top : 436
top: { if styling.language=="japanese" then 438 else if styling.language=="OCG style english" then 436 else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then 438 else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then 438 else 436 }
width: 313
height: 30
alignment: middle left
z index: 2
name: Yu-Gi-Oh!ITCStoneSerifSmallCaps
size: 16
#name: Yu-Gi-Oh!ITCStoneSerifSmallCaps
if styling.language=="japanese" then "MS Gothic"
else if styling.language=="OCG style english" then "Yu-Gi-Oh!ITCStoneSerifSmallCaps"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "Tensentype JiaLiDaHeiJ"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "Tensentype JiaLiDaHeiF"
else "Yu-Gi-Oh!ITCStoneSerifSmallCaps"
#size: 16
if styling.language=="japanese" then 14
else if styling.language=="OCG style english" then 16
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then 14
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then 14
else 16
color: {if card.card_type=="xros monster" or card.card_type=="dual xros monster" or card.card_type=="xyz monster" or card.card_type=="link monster" or card.card_type=="evolute monster" or card.card_type=="bigbang monster" or card.card_type=="dark synchro monster" then rgb(255,255,255) else rgb(0,0,0)}
symbol font:
#name: yugioh-text-replacements
......@@ -352,11 +381,19 @@ card style:
color: rgb(255,255,255)
rule text:
left: 30
top : 463
#top : 463
top : { if styling.language=="japanese" then 466 else if styling.language=="OCG style english" then 466 else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then 466 else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then 466 else 463 }
width: 359
height: 101
name: Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Book
#name: Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Book
if styling.language=="japanese" then "MS Gothic"
else if styling.language=="OCG style english" then "MS Gothic"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "Tensentype JiaLiDaHeiJ"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "Tensentype JiaLiDaHeiF"
else "Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Book"
size: 13
scale down to: 4
color: rgb(0,0,0)
......@@ -373,9 +410,9 @@ card style:
line height hard: { if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else 0.76 }
line height line: { if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else 0.76 }
line height soft: { if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else 0.76 }
line height hard max: { if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else 0.76 }
line height soft max: { if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else 0.76 }
line height line max: { if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else 0.76 }
line height hard max: { if styling.language!="english" then 1 else if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else 0.76 }
line height soft max: { if styling.language!="english" then 1 else if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else 0.76 }
line height line max: { if styling.language!="english" then 1 else if is_nmonster() then 0.8 else 0.76 }
left: 150
top: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then 338 else if is_pendulum() then (if styling.pendulum_size == "less" then 355 else if styling.pendulum_size == "more" then 305 else 338) else 408}
......@@ -418,7 +455,14 @@ card style:
height: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros") then 47 else if styling.pendulum_size == "more" then 80 else if styling.pendulum_size == "less" then 35 else 47}
visible: {is_pendulum() or contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster")}
name: Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Book
#name: Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Book
if styling.language=="japanese" then "MS Gothic"
else if styling.language=="OCG style english" then "MS Gothic"
else if styling.language=="chinese simplified" then "Tensentype JiaLiDaHeiJ"
else if styling.language=="chinese traditional" then "Tensentype JiaLiDaHeiF"
else "Yu-Gi-Oh! Matrix Book"
size: {if is_pendulum() then 12 else 13}
scale down to: 4
color: rgb(0,0,0)
......@@ -602,9 +646,9 @@ extra card style:
visible: true
mask: {if contains(card.card_type, match: "xros monster") then "mask-gate.png" else ""}
left: {if is_link() then 13 else 17}
left: {if is_link() then 13 else 19}
top : {if card.card_type == "evolute monster" then 67 else if is_pendulum() then (if styling.pendulum_size == "less" then 313 else if styling.pendulum_size == "more" then 263 else 296) else if is_link() then 362 else 366}
width: {if is_link() then 88 else 80}
width: {if is_link() then 88 else 76}
height: {if is_link() then 88 else 71}
z index: 5
render style: image
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
is_tw := { styling.language == "chinese traditional" }
is_cn := { styling.language == "chinese simplified" }
is_en := { styling.language == "english" }
is_jp := { styling.language == "japanese" }
is_jp := { styling.language == "japanese" or styling.language == "OCG style english"}
#Let's place this =true in every template that has pendulum frame together with the card frame.
is_legacy_pendulum := {false}
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