Important changes to Oh My Fish are recorded here for each release.
## Unreleased
- Key bindings are now fully supported in user config and in plugins. Bindings should be placed in a `` script and will be loaded automatically.
- Init process completely rewritten to improve performance and correctness. Using `on_{plugin}` events for plugin initialization is now deprecated and will eventually be removed. `` scripts will be sourced directly and are passed the variables `$path`, `$package`, and `$bundle`.
- Installer now checks for fish 2.2.0 or newer.
- New plugins: docker-machine, exenv, proxy, sudope, wttr
- Documentation fixes.
### Contributors
- Denis Koltsov
- Derek Willian Stavis
- Douglas Camata
- Itzik Ephraim
- John Rizzo
- Luís Fiolhais
- Pablo Santiago Blum de Aguiar
- Pedro Medeiros
- Stephen M. Coakley
- Wild Kat
## [2] - 2016-05-11
- A new package searching command was added for better discoverability. Invoke it with `omf search`. See `omf help search` on how to use this new command. [#314]
-`omf doctor` now checks for good versions of Fish and Git to be installed. [#280]
-`omf update` can now update specific packages instead of just everything. [#268]
-`refresh` has been replaced with `omf reload`, which is much safer. [#266]
- New packages added to the database: rustup, linuxbrew, await, hash, expand, argu, termux, phpbrew, config
- New themes: mokou, qing, mars, chain, es, lolfish, lambda, pure