We just moved Oh My Fish repository back to our own organization. Since then, you need to update your Oh My Fish remotes. A clean install is highly recommended for users of old Oh My Fish, and you can follow the steps described below:
2.`mv ~/.config/fish/config{,_old}.fish`
3.`rm -rf ~/.oh-my-fish`
4. Do a [clean Oh My Fish install](#install)
5. Copy all lines starting with `Plugin` and `Theme` from `~/.config/fish/config_old.fish`
6. Paste them it into `$OMF_CONFIG/bundle` file. If it doesn't exist, create it
7. Convert all `Plugin "name"` lines to `package name`
8. Convert all `Theme "name"` lines to `theme name`
9.`omf install`
If you find any trouble in the upgrade process join us in [Slack](https://oh-my-fish-slack.herokuapp.com) and we will be happy to help.
# Getting Started
Oh My Fish includes a small utility `omf` to fetch and install new packages and themes.