Commit 228ef9aa authored by Stephen M. Coakley's avatar Stephen M. Coakley Committed by Derek Willian Stavis

Evaluate OMF_PATH at init time to fix #136 (#348)

parent 6c373d89
......@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ function install_omf
report progress "Adding startup code to fish config file..."
set template "templates/"
set replacements "s|{{OMF_PATH}}|$OMF_PATH|;s|{{OMF_CONFIG}}|$OMF_CONFIG|"
set replacements "s|{{OMF_CONFIG}}|$OMF_CONFIG|"
if test "$OMF_CONFIG" != "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/omf"
set replacements "$replacements;s|#set|set|"
# Path to Oh My Fish install.
set -gx OMF_PATH "{{OMF_PATH}}"
and set -gx OMF_PATH "$XDG_DATA_HOME/omf"
or set -gx OMF_PATH "$HOME/.local/share/omf"
# Customize Oh My Fish configuration path.
#set -gx OMF_CONFIG "{{OMF_CONFIG}}"
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