Commit a0f78e97 authored by wind2009's avatar wind2009 Committed by mercury233

Enum update (#67)

parent b5ccf0f5
......@@ -14,7 +14,13 @@
MetaionTheTimelord = 74530899,
KamionTheTimelord = 91712985,
LazionTheTimelord = 92435533,
MichionTheTimelord = 7733560,
HailonTheTimelord = 34137269,
RaphionTheTimelord = 60222213,
GabrionTheTimelord = 6616912,
SandaionTheTimelord = 33015627,
EaterOfMillions = 63845230,
ElShaddollConstruct = 20366274,
ZushintheSleepingGiant = 67547370,
......@@ -9,19 +9,21 @@
FrightfurFusion = 6077601,
RedEyesFusion = 6172122,
Ostinato = 9113513,
MagicalizeFusion = 11827244,
DarkCalling = 12071500,
VehicroidConnectionZone = 23299957,
Polymerization = 24094653,
MiracleSynchroFusion = 36484016,
PowerBond = 37630732,
ParticleFusion = 39261576,
NeutronBlast = 43845801,
ShaddollFusion = 44394295,
TheTerminusoftheBurningAbyss = 44771289,
MiracleFusion = 45906428,
OddEyesFusion = 48144509,
ParallelWorldFusion = 54283059,
AncientGearFusion = 64061284,
PendulumFusion = 65646587,
CynetFusion = 65801012,
AbsorbFusion = 71422989,
DragonsMirror = 71490127,
MetalfoesFusion = 73594093,
......@@ -30,13 +32,15 @@
TranscendentalPolymerization = 76647978,
CyberdarkImpact = 80033124,
DarkFusion = 94820406,
ThunderDragonFusion = 95238394,
TheBookoftheLaw = 458748,
ElShaddollFusion = 6417578,
FlashFusion = 17236839,
FullmetalfoesFusion = 39564736,
DestructionSwordsmanFusion = 41940225,
SuperPolymerization = 48130397,
CyberneticFusionSupport = 58199906,
CyberloadFusion = 55704856,
RelinquishedFusion = 78063197,
BrilliantFusion = 7394770,
ForbiddenDarkContractwiththeSwampKing = 10833828,
Fortissimo = 11493868,
......@@ -44,6 +48,11 @@
FrightfurFactory = 43698897,
DarkContractwiththeSwampKing = 73360025,
NepheShaddollFusion = 60226558,
FusionGate = 33550694
FusionGate = 33550694,
DFusion = 26841274,
PyroxeneFusion = 55824220,
FragmentFusion = 72029628,
NecroFusion = 81223446,
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
GladiatorBeastNerokius = 29357956,
GemKnightCitrine = 67985943,
FrightfurSheep = 57477163,
SamuraiDestroyer = 40509732,
ArmadesKeeperOfBoundaries = 88033975,
NumberS39UtopiaTheLightning = 56832966,
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
Backlinker = 71172240,
Merlin = 3580032,
CrystalVanguard = 87475570,
TemperanceofProphecy = 87608852,
Kuribandit = 16404809,
PhotonLizard = 38973775,
SuperheavySamuraiFlutist = 27978707,
......@@ -36,11 +37,18 @@
AbyssActorExtras = 88412339,
PerformapalTrumpWitch = 91584698,
RaidraptorLastStrix = 97219708,
MythicalBeastJackal = 91182675,
TimeMaiden = 27107590,
SuperQuantalFairyAlphan = 58753372,
TheBlackStoneofLegend = 66574418,
PaladinofDarkDragon = 71408082,
PaladinofPhotonDragon = 85346853,
TwinPhotonLizard = 29455728
TwinPhotonLizard = 29455728,
CosmoBrain = 85679527,
ShiranuiSolitaire = 94801854,
Mixeroid = 71340250,
LonefireBlossom = 48686504,
BrotherhoodoftheFireFist_Leopard = 39699564
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
public enum ShouldNotBeMonsterTarget
TheLegendaryFishermanII = 19801646,
GaiaDraketheUniversalForce = 58601383,
FirstoftheDragons = 10817524,
Tatsunoko = 55863245,
CXyzSimontheGreatMoralLeader = 41147577,
......@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
YaziEviloftheYangZing = 43202238,
RaidraptorUltimateFalcon = 86221741,
DisdainfulBirdofParadise = 27240101,
DarkestDiabolosLordOfTheLair = 50383626
DarkestDiabolosLordOfTheLair = 50383626,
Blackwing_FullArmoredWing = 54082269
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