_ = require 'underscore' _.str = require 'underscore.string' _.mixin(_.str.exports()) spawn = require('child_process').spawn spawnSync = require('child_process').spawnSync settings = global.settings ygopro = require './ygopro.js' roomlist = require './roomlist' if settings.modules.enable_websocket_roomlist bunyan = require 'bunyan' moment = require 'moment' moment.locale('zh-cn', { relativeTime: { future: '%s内', past: '%s前', s: '%d秒', m: '1分钟', mm: '%d分钟', h: '1小时', hh: '%d小时', d: '1天', dd: '%d天', M: '1个月', MM: '%d个月', y: '1年', yy: '%d年' } }) log = bunyan.createLogger name: "mycard-room" if settings.modules.enable_cloud_replay redis = require 'redis' zlib = require 'zlib' redisdb = redis.createClient host: "", port: settings.modules.redis_port #获取可用内存 get_memory_usage = ()-> prc_free = spawnSync("free", []) if (prc_free.stdout) lines = prc_free.stdout.toString().split(/\n/g) line = lines[1].split(/\s+/) total = parseInt(line[1], 10) free = parseInt(line[3], 10) buffers = parseInt(line[5], 10) cached = parseInt(line[6], 10) actualFree = free + buffers + cached percentUsed = parseFloat(((1 - (actualFree / total)) * 100).toFixed(2)) else percentUsed = 0 return percentUsed class Room #name #port #players: [client] #process #established #alive @all = [] @players_oppentlist = {} @players_banned = [] @ban_player: (name, ip, reason)-> bannedplayer = _.find Room.players_banned, (bannedplayer)-> ip == bannedplayer.ip if bannedplayer bannedplayer.count = bannedplayer.count + 1 bantime = if bannedplayer.count > 3 then Math.pow(2, bannedplayer.count - 3) * 2 else 0 bannedplayer.time = if moment() < bannedplayer.time then moment(bannedplayer.time).add(bantime, 'm') else moment().add(bantime, 'm') bannedplayer.reasons.push(reason) if not _.find bannedplayer.reasons, (bannedreason)-> bannedreason == reason bannedplayer.need_tip = true else bannedplayer = {"ip": ip, "time": moment(), "count": 1, "reasons": [reason], "need_tip": true} Room.players_banned.push(bannedplayer) #log.info("banned", name, ip, reason, bannedplayer.count) return @find_or_create_by_name: (name, player_ip)-> if settings.modules.enable_random_duel and (name == '' or name.toUpperCase() == 'S' or name.toUpperCase() == 'M' or name.toUpperCase() == 'T') return @find_or_create_random(name.toUpperCase(), player_ip) if room = @find_by_name(name) return room else if get_memory_usage() >= 90 return null else return new Room(name) @find_or_create_random: (type, player_ip)-> bannedplayer = _.find Room.players_banned, (bannedplayer)-> return player_ip == bannedplayer.ip if bannedplayer if bannedplayer.count > 6 and moment() < bannedplayer.time return {"error": "因为您近期在游戏中多次#{bannedplayer.reasons.join('、')},您已被禁止使用随机对战功能,将在#{moment(bannedplayer.time).fromNow(true)}后解封"} if bannedplayer.count > 3 and moment() < bannedplayer.time and bannedplayer.need_tip bannedplayer.need_tip = false return {"error": "因为您近期在游戏中#{bannedplayer.reasons.join('、')},在#{moment(bannedplayer.time).fromNow(true)}内您随机对战时只能遇到其他违规玩家"} else if bannedplayer.need_tip bannedplayer.need_tip = false return {"error": "系统检测到您近期在游戏中#{bannedplayer.reasons.join('、')},若您违规超过3次,将受到惩罚"} else if bannedplayer.count > 2 bannedplayer.need_tip = true max_player = if type == 'T' then 4 else 2 playerbanned = (bannedplayer and bannedplayer.count > 3 and moment() < bannedplayer.time) result = _.find @all, (room)-> return room.random_type != '' and !room.started and ((type == '' and room.random_type != 'T') or room.random_type == type) and room.get_playing_player().length < max_player and (room.get_host() == null or room.get_host().remoteAddress != Room.players_oppentlist[player_ip]) and (playerbanned == room.deprecated) if result result.welcome = '对手已经在等你了,开始决斗吧!' #log.info 'found room', player_name else type = if type then type else 'S' name = type + ',RANDOM#' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000) result = new Room(name) result.random_type = type result.max_player = max_player result.welcome = '已建立随机对战房间,正在等待对手!' result.deprecated = playerbanned #log.info 'create room', player_name, name if result.random_type=='M' then result.welcome = result.welcome + '\n您进入了比赛模式的房间,我们推荐使用竞技卡组!' return result @find_by_name: (name)-> result = _.find @all, (room)-> room.name == name #log.info 'find_by_name', name, result return result @find_by_port: (port)-> _.find @all, (room)-> room.port == port @validate: (name)-> client_name_and_pass = name.split('$', 2) client_name = client_name_and_pass[0] client_pass = client_name_and_pass[1] return true if !client_pass !_.find Room.all, (room)-> room_name_and_pass = room.name.split('$', 2) room_name = room_name_and_pass[0] room_pass = room_name_and_pass[1] client_name == room_name and client_pass != room_pass constructor: (name, @hostinfo) -> @name = name @alive = true @players = [] @player_datas = [] @status = 'starting' @started = false @established = false @watcher_buffers = [] @recorder_buffers = [] @watchers = [] @random_type = '' @welcome = '' Room.all.push this @hostinfo ||= lflist: _.findIndex settings.lflist, (list)-> !list.tcg and list.date.isBefore() rule: if settings.modules.enable_TCG_as_default then 2 else 0 mode: 0 enable_priority: false no_check_deck: false no_shuffle_deck: false start_lp: 8000 start_hand: 5 draw_count: 1 time_limit: 180 if name[0...2] == 'M#' @hostinfo.mode = 1 else if name[0...2] == 'T#' @hostinfo.mode = 2 @hostinfo.start_lp = 16000 else if (param = name.match /^(\d)(\d)(T|F)(T|F)(T|F)(\d+),(\d+),(\d+)/i) @hostinfo.rule = parseInt(param[1]) @hostinfo.mode = parseInt(param[2]) @hostinfo.enable_priority = param[3] == 'T' @hostinfo.no_check_deck = param[4] == 'T' @hostinfo.no_shuffle_deck = param[5] == 'T' @hostinfo.start_lp = parseInt(param[6]) @hostinfo.start_hand = parseInt(param[7]) @hostinfo.draw_count = parseInt(param[8]) else if (((param = name.match /(.+)#/) != null) and ( (param[1].length <= 2 and param[1].match(/(S|N|M|T)(0|1|2|T|A)/i)) or (param[1].match(/^(S|N|M|T)(0|1|2|O|T|A)(0|1|O|T)/i)) ) ) rule = param[1].toUpperCase() #log.info "C", rule switch rule.charAt(0) when "M","1" @hostinfo.mode = 1 when "T","2" @hostinfo.mode = 2 @hostinfo.start_lp = 16000 else @hostinfo.mode = 0 switch rule.charAt(1) when "0","O" @hostinfo.rule = 0 when "1","T" @hostinfo.rule = 1 else @hostinfo.rule = 2 switch rule.charAt(2) when "1","T" @hostinfo.lflist = _.findIndex settings.lflist, (list)-> list.tcg and list.date.isBefore() else @hostinfo.lflist = _.findIndex settings.lflist, (list)-> !list.tcg and list.date.isBefore() if ((param = parseInt(rule.charAt(3).match(/\d/))) >= 0) @hostinfo.time_limit = param * 60 switch rule.charAt(4) when "T","1" @hostinfo.enable_priority = true else @hostinfo.enable_priority = false switch rule.charAt(5) when "T","1" @hostinfo.no_check_deck = true else @hostinfo.no_check_deck = false switch rule.charAt(6) when "T","1" @hostinfo.no_shuffle_deck = true else @hostinfo.no_shuffle_deck = false if ((param = parseInt(rule.charAt(7).match(/\d/))) > 0) @hostinfo.start_lp = param * 4000 if ((param = parseInt(rule.charAt(8).match(/\d/))) > 0) @hostinfo.start_hand = param if ((param = parseInt(rule.charAt(9).match(/\d/))) >= 0) @hostinfo.draw_count = param else if ((param = name.match /(.+)#/) != null) rule = param[1].toUpperCase() #log.info "233", rule if (rule.match /(^|,|,)(M|MATCH)(,|,|$)/) @hostinfo.mode = 1 if (rule.match /(^|,|,)(T|TAG)(,|,|$)/) @hostinfo.mode = 2 @hostinfo.start_lp = 16000 if (rule.match /(^|,|,)(TCGONLY|TO)(,|,|$)/) @hostinfo.rule = 1 @hostinfo.lflist = _.findIndex settings.lflist, (list)-> list.tcg and list.date.isBefore() if (rule.match /(^|,|,)(OCGONLY|OO)(,|,|$)/) @hostinfo.rule = 0 if (rule.match /(^|,|,)(OT|TCG)(,|,|$)/) @hostinfo.rule = 2 if (param = rule.match /(^|,|,)LP(\d+)(,|,|$)/) start_lp = parseInt(param[2]) if (start_lp <= 0) then start_lp = 1 if (start_lp >= 99999) then start_lp = 99999 @hostinfo.start_lp = start_lp if (param = rule.match /(^|,|,)(TIME|TM|TI)(\d+)(,|,|$)/) time_limit = parseInt(param[3]) if (time_limit < 0) then time_limit = 180 if (time_limit >= 1 and time_limit <= 60) then time_limit = time_limit * 60 if (time_limit >= 999) then time_limit = 999 @hostinfo.time_limit = time_limit if (param = rule.match /(^|,|,)(START|ST)(\d+)(,|,|$)/) start_hand = parseInt(param[3]) if (start_hand <= 0) then start_hand = 1 if (start_hand >= 40) then start_hand = 40 @hostinfo.start_hand = start_hand if (param = rule.match /(^|,|,)(DRAW|DR)(\d+)(,|,|$)/) draw_count = parseInt(param[3]) if (draw_count >= 35) then draw_count = 35 @hostinfo.draw_count = draw_count if (param = rule.match /(^|,|,)(LFLIST|LF)(\d+)(,|,|$)/) lflist = parseInt(param[3]) - 1 @hostinfo.lflist = lflist if (rule.match /(^|,|,)(NOLFLIST|NF)(,|,|$)/) @hostinfo.lflist = -1 if (rule.match /(^|,|,)(NOUNIQUE|NU)(,|,|$)/) @hostinfo.rule = 3 if (rule.match /(^|,|,)(NOCHECK|NC)(,|,|$)/) @hostinfo.no_check_deck = true if (rule.match /(^|,|,)(NOSHUFFLE|NS)(,|,|$)/) @hostinfo.no_shuffle_deck = true if (rule.match /(^|,|,)(IGPRIORITY|PR)(,|,|$)/) @hostinfo.enable_priority = true param = [0, @hostinfo.lflist, @hostinfo.rule, @hostinfo.mode, (if @hostinfo.enable_priority then 'T' else 'F'), (if @hostinfo.no_check_deck then 'T' else 'F'), (if @hostinfo.no_shuffle_deck then 'T' else 'F'), @hostinfo.start_lp, @hostinfo.start_hand, @hostinfo.draw_count, @hostinfo.time_limit] try @process = spawn './ygopro', param, {cwd: settings.ygopro_path} @process.on 'exit', (code)=> @disconnector = 'server' unless @disconnector this.delete() return @process.stdout.setEncoding('utf8') @process.stdout.once 'data', (data)=> @established = true roomlist.create(this) if !@private and settings.modules.enable_websocket_roomlist @port = parseInt data _.each @players, (player)=> player.server.connect @port, '', -> player.server.write buffer for buffer in player.pre_establish_buffers player.established = true player.pre_establish_buffers = [] return return if @windbot #log.info @windbot @ai_process = spawn 'mono', ['WindBot.exe'], { cwd: 'windbot', env: { YGOPRO_VERSION: settings.version YGOPRO_HOST: '' YGOPRO_PORT: @port YGOPRO_NAME: @windbot.name YGOPRO_DECK: @windbot.deck YGOPRO_DIALOG: @windbot.dialog } } @ai_process.stdout.on 'data', (data)-> #log.info "AI stdout: " + data return @ai_process.stderr.on 'data', (data)-> log.info "AI stderr: " + data return return catch @error = "建立房间失败,请重试" delete: -> #积分 return if @deleted #log.info 'room-delete', this.name, Room.all.length if @player_datas.length and settings.modules.enable_cloud_replay player_names=@player_datas[0].name + (if @player_datas[2] then "+" + @player_datas[2].name else "") + " VS " + (if @player_datas[1] then @player_datas[1].name else "AI") + (if @player_datas[3] then "+" + @player_datas[3].name else "") player_ips=[] _.each @player_datas, (player)-> player_ips.push(player.ip) return recorder_buffer=Buffer.concat(@recorder_buffers) zlib.deflate recorder_buffer, (err, replay_buffer) -> replay_buffer=replay_buffer.toString('binary') #log.info err, replay_buffer date_time=moment().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') replay_id=Math.floor(Math.random()*100000000) redisdb.hmset("replay:"+replay_id, "replay_id", replay_id, "replay_buffer", replay_buffer, "player_names", player_names, "date_time", date_time) redisdb.expire("replay:"+replay_id, 60*60*24) recorded_ip=[] _.each player_ips, (player_ip)-> return if _.contains(recorded_ip, player_ip) recorded_ip.push player_ip redisdb.lpush(player_ip+":replays", replay_id) return return @watcher_buffers = [] @recorder_buffers = [] @players = [] @watcher.end() if @watcher @deleted = true index = _.indexOf(Room.all, this) #Room.all[index] = null unless index == -1 Room.all.splice(index, 1) unless index == -1 roomlist.delete @name if !@private and !@started and @established and settings.modules.enable_websocket_roomlist return get_playing_player: -> playing_player = [] _.each @players, (player)-> if player.pos < 4 then playing_player.push player return return playing_player get_host: -> host_player = null _.each @players, (player)-> if player.is_host then host_player = player return return host_player connect: (client)-> @players.push client client.ip = client.remoteAddress if @random_type host_player = @get_host() if host_player && (host_player != client) #进来时已经有人在等待了,互相记录为匹配过 Room.players_oppentlist[host_player.remoteAddress] = client.remoteAddress Room.players_oppentlist[client.remoteAddress] = host_player.remoteAddress else #第一个玩家刚进来,还没就位 Room.players_oppentlist[client.remoteAddress] = null if @established roomlist.update(this) if !@private and !@started and settings.modules.enable_websocket_roomlist client.server.connect @port, '', -> client.server.write buffer for buffer in client.pre_establish_buffers client.established = true client.pre_establish_buffers = [] return return disconnect: (client, error)-> if client.is_post_watcher ygopro.stoc_send_chat_to_room this, "#{client.name} 退出了观战" + if error then ": #{error}" else '' index = _.indexOf(@watchers, client) @watchers.splice(index, 1) unless index == -1 #client.room = null else index = _.indexOf(@players, client) @players.splice(index, 1) unless index == -1 #log.info(@started,@disconnector,client.room.random_type) if @started and @disconnector != 'server' and client.room.random_type Room.ban_player(client.name, client.ip, "强退") if @players.length ygopro.stoc_send_chat_to_room this, "#{client.name} 离开了游戏" + if error then ": #{error}" else '' roomlist.update(this) if !@private and !@started and settings.modules.enable_websocket_roomlist #client.room = null else @process.kill() #client.room = null this.delete() return module.exports = Room