Commit 19305888 authored by mercury233's avatar mercury233

part fix of selectposition

parent 78589240
......@@ -3702,6 +3702,10 @@ public class Ocgcore : ServantWithCardDescription
if ((positions & 0x8) > 0)
if ((positions & 0x4) > 0)
op1 = 0x4;
op2 = 0x8;
RMSshow_position("return", code, new messageSystemValue { value = op1.ToString(), hint = "atk" }, new messageSystemValue { value = op2.ToString(), hint = "def" });
......@@ -696,7 +696,10 @@ public class Servant
cardPicLoader_.code = code;
cardPicLoader_.uiTexture = UIHelper.getByName<UITexture>(currentMSwindow, "atkPic_");
cardPicLoader_ = currentMSwindow.AddComponent<cardPicLoader>();
if (Int32.Parse(def.value) != 8)
cardPicLoader_.code = code;
cardPicLoader_.code = 0;
cardPicLoader_.uiTexture = UIHelper.getByName<UITexture>(currentMSwindow, "defPic_");
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