Commit b94485e6 authored by Nemo Ma's avatar Nemo Ma


parent 691c1fdf
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......@@ -48,11 +48,11 @@ function s.drop(e,tp)
Scl.CreateFieldBuffEffect({c,tp},"+Level",s.val2,s.limtg,{0, "MonsterZone"},nil, nil, RESET_EP_SCL)
function s.val1(e,c)
local ct = Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp, id)
local ct = Duel.GetFlagEffect(e:GetHandlerPlayer(), id)
return ct * -800
function s.val2(e,c)
local ct = Duel.GetFlagEffect(tp, id)
local ct = Duel.GetFlagEffect(e:GetHandlerPlayer(), id)
return ct * -1
function s.limtg(e,c)
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