Commit 15b78091 authored by nanahira's avatar nanahira

Merge branch 'patch-multi-layer-lp' of ../versions/ygopro-fh

parents 00bdca54 de95d1a9
......@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ void DeckBuilder::Terminate() {
mainGame->showingcode = 0;
int catesel = mainGame->cbDBCategory->getSelected();
if(catesel >= 0)
BufferIO::CopyWStr(mainGame->cbDBCategory->getItem(catesel), mainGame->gameConf.lastcategory, 64);
......@@ -1679,6 +1680,7 @@ void DeckBuilder::RefreshPackListScroll() {
} else {
void DeckBuilder::ChangeCategory(int catesel) {
......@@ -557,11 +557,28 @@ void Game::DrawMisc() {
driver->draw2DImage(imageManager.tLPFrame, Resize(330, 10, 629, 30), recti(0, 0, 200, 20), 0, 0, true);
driver->draw2DImage(imageManager.tLPFrame, Resize(691, 10, 990, 30), recti(0, 0, 200, 20), 0, 0, true);
if(dInfo.start_lp) {
if(dInfo.lp[0] >= dInfo.start_lp)
driver->draw2DImage(imageManager.tLPBar, Resize(335, 12, 625, 28), recti(0, 0, 16, 16), 0, 0, true);
else driver->draw2DImage(imageManager.tLPBar, Resize(335, 12, 335 + 290 * dInfo.lp[0] / dInfo.start_lp, 28), recti(0, 0, 16, 16), 0, 0, true);
if(dInfo.lp[1] >= dInfo.start_lp)
driver->draw2DImage(imageManager.tLPBar, Resize(696, 12, 986, 28), recti(0, 0, 16, 16), 0, 0, true);
auto maxLP = dInfo.isTag ? dInfo.start_lp / 2 : dInfo.start_lp;
if(dInfo.lp[0] >= maxLP) {
auto layerCount = dInfo.lp[0] / maxLP;
auto partialLP = dInfo.lp[0] % maxLP;
auto bgColorPos = (layerCount - 1) % 5;
auto fgColorPos = layerCount % 5;
driver->draw2DImage(imageManager.tLPBar, Resize(335 + 290 * partialLP / maxLP, 12, 625, 28), recti(0, bgColorPos * 16, 16, (bgColorPos + 1) * 16), 0, 0, true);
if(partialLP > 0) {
driver->draw2DImage(imageManager.tLPBar, Resize(335, 12, 335 + 290 * partialLP / maxLP, 28), recti(0, fgColorPos * 16, 16, (fgColorPos + 1) * 16), 0, 0, true);
else driver->draw2DImage(imageManager.tLPBar, Resize(335, 12, 335 + 290 * dInfo.lp[0] / maxLP, 28), recti(0, 0, 16, 16), 0, 0, true);
if(dInfo.lp[1] >= maxLP) {
auto layerCount = dInfo.lp[1] / maxLP;
auto partialLP = dInfo.lp[1] % maxLP;
auto bgColorPos = (layerCount - 1) % 5;
auto fgColorPos = layerCount % 5;
driver->draw2DImage(imageManager.tLPBar, Resize(696, 12, 986 - 290 * partialLP / maxLP, 28), recti(0, bgColorPos * 16, 16, (bgColorPos + 1) * 16), 0, 0, true);
if(partialLP > 0) {
driver->draw2DImage(imageManager.tLPBar, Resize(986 - 290 * partialLP / maxLP, 12, 986, 28), recti(0, fgColorPos * 16, 16, (fgColorPos + 1) * 16), 0, 0, true);
else driver->draw2DImage(imageManager.tLPBar, Resize(986 - 290 * dInfo.lp[1] / dInfo.start_lp, 12, 986, 28), recti(0, 0, 16, 16), 0, 0, true);
if(lpframe) {
......@@ -760,10 +777,10 @@ void Game::DrawStatus(ClientCard* pcard, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) {
void Game::DrawGUI() {
if(imageLoading.size()) {
for(auto mit = imageLoading.begin(); mit != imageLoading.end(); ++mit)
while (imageLoading.size()) {
auto mit = imageLoading.cbegin();
for(auto fit = fadingList.begin(); fit != fadingList.end();) {
auto fthis = fit++;

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